this time of year is the anniversary of a couple relatively important events. so i thought it worth mentioning. first, 2 years (and like 5 days) ago i started this bloody thing. i got me a blog. and ive been here ever since. i just went back into the archives and man... did this thing suck. it takes a while to get the hang of it, but through reading other blogs and just plane getting better at writing, i can see that my bloging skills have improved in a big way. to which i ask nicely that you NOT go back into th archives and see for yourself how shitty my blog was. (which of course now you will.... why do i even bother). i started off excited, and in the first few mothes i had several blog posts a day every few days or so. but they were short, and often meaningless. after a while i got into school and my blogging took a hit. 2003 seemed like a slow year for blogging, but ever since this summer or so and my new musical fromat, i have found much inspiration and reason for sharing my life you people,. and myself. what do i mean myself? well, if you think about it, ive got 2 years of my life recorded and organized. i need only click back into the archives to re live events in my life long forgotten, in vivid detail. and i will even have accurate times and dates. i know people have been doing this for years with the use of a journal or diary... but i didnt. and this is just easier. plus i have reader feedback from you crazy people. makes for some fun reading.
and then there's 3 years ago. a chain of events that changed the world as a whole in a matter of minutes. the needless, tragic, violent death of thousands of people. the fearless, selfless acts of others. and some of them didnt make it either. some may see it as one of our country;s darkest hours, other, our finest. im not sure where i stand on that as theres alot of both. but it would seem to me that the true sprit of people shows best in the dark. in other words, it is our darkest hours that we often shine the brightest. and that was certainly true 3 years ago in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. i was going to continue on this thought until it lead to me bitching about how the effects of that fateful day 3 years ago are still being felt strongly, but i promised myself i wouldnt make this political. so.. yer just gonna have to figure out where i was going with that on your own. one thing that is a constant reminder of what happened for me is the show "rescue me" which had a very disturbing opening sequence this past week which reminded all too well of the events that took place, as well as the selfless acts of the firemen who were running up the stairs when everyone else was running down. or...... not using the stairs.
Am I missing out something ? New musical format ?
The titles of his posts have always been lyrics and his links too.
well... not ALWAYS..... but since about the begining of summer... which reminds me, i have been to link to your blog shirz... if thats ok with you.... have any favorite songs? or somethig....
Argh .. it's so obvious isn't it ! :P
Of course you may link me. How about 'Fallen' (by Sarah Mclachlan) ? :)
BTW, new pics @ "seeing things"
Sweet. :)
Shirz - I love that song - It makes me so depressed, sometimes, though.
Very cool on the two year thing. That's a real landmark. Very impressed.
And you've noticed the improvement, so it just shows that time helps it all. Practicing, too.
Congratulations for the milestone (and five days or so) Through all the years of blogging, have you ever had times where blogging has almost come to an end for you? I mean i'm really picking up from all corners of the whole blogging world that blogging altogether has taken a big hit. Bloggers aren't blogging and when they do theres really not much there.
sometime during '03 my blogging slowed down... alot, like maybe twice a month or something, i dont remember.but anyways, since then i have had some conversations actually about blogging with friends, and i think blogs have gotten a bad rep of being just an online list of daily events, but thats not what they are. they are just free publishing. you can say something, about anything, press a button, and it has the potential of reaching any one of millions of people who are on the internet. before the advent of the internet, that sort of power was available only to a few well known, established, and/or famous writers and stuff.
blogging can be about anythng ANYTHING. noiot just what you did one day. the sooner people understnd that, the better off he blogging community, and the internet as a whole, will be.
Yes, but we can't all come up with "deep" posts like you. Sometimes, I really don't care. I'm not apathetic, but I just hold many opinions that others have heard before. But for some reason if someone else does it, then everyone comments and thinks it's profound, I'm sorry but your post just didn't move me and I honestly would rather have known what you did that day.
LMAO!!! wow... you should talk to arash about this.... of course if you did, he'd prolly never talk to you again....
soemtime si do put what i did some day... if its different then "waking up, random muscle spasms, sleep"
unfortunately, its usually not.
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