The Dogs Of War
i have been inspired to speak my mind. from the title you can probably tell where im going with this.
thishas been one hellluva week huh? our troop casualties has hit the 1000 mark. over 350 inoscent people, including children, were killed in Russia, and Putin sounds like he wants to take the Bush aproach: blaim it on an entire country (or 2?) and we continue to bomb the living life out of Iraq.
so a bunch of chechen zealots stroll into a russian school and take it hostage, several hours later, the Russian miltary goes in and rescues a bunch of people... but many are kiled. over 350 men women and children. how sick is that. going after a fucking school?!?! not only that, but those who survived will be scarred with the traum of having to deal with the ordeal. events like this make me wonder only one thing? what drives these poeple to do such things? clearly this isnt a rational course of action... attacking a school. you wont gain a whole lot of popularity or mercy. and the act of attacking inoscent people, let alone children, just isnt right. its not somethng a reasonable human being should be apable of... so what in gods name has drivien these people to such insanity? i can only imagine..... or can i?
in other news the war in iraq continues, over 1000 american soldiers have died in the line of duty. which makes me wonder.... how long ago did the 1000th iraqi soldier die? i dunno, no one ever told me. it scares me cuz.. eventually, if this thing keeps going, we're just plain gonna run out of soldiers... and then they'll have to start drafting them. that doesnt sound like a great idea to me. i happen to be a huge fan of breathing... oh, and in the pursuit of some guy who i cant remeber... we blew the crap out of some building, killing 9 people today, including 2 kids.
tell me.. whats the difference betweed masacring 350 civilians and children oin a school over the course of a couple days and slowly killing a couple civilians and kids here and there over the course of 2 years? i dont see much of a difference.. except in tactics. they had the balls to walk into another country's school and take hostages and shoot them point blank. we launch jets and cruise missles from possibly hundreds of miles away. ok... so we're pussies. otherwise, i see no difference. sure, we claim its in the name of anti terrorism... no wait.. that was afghanistan... why are we in iraq again? i dont remember... anyways, im sure the chechens arent too happy about being owned by russia either, so they can claim that their needless killing is in the name of independence. something our country should be well versed in. i am not in any way condoning what they did. but im just pointing out... kiling is killing. no matter what the reason, it shouldnt have to come to that. and if you have to make war.. leave kids out of it. let them decide for themselves when and where to die. and on whose side of whatever line to stand on. im done with this.
"make love not war" \./
"faça amor, não guerra" \./
PAZ !!!
p.s.: bruna talking....
Totally agree with you. When the news first came out, I was so sick I couldn't express my anguish. Of all people, children ! Apparently, there was a scenario where the mother was forced to take only one of her 2 kids out. She could only choose the younger one. And she left, the older one was calling out for her but she couldn't turn back because all would be killed if she did. She told the newspapers that her heart broke into a million pieces at that point in time. Sick bastards.
im so pissed off and sick and tired of the world right now.... im gonna save up for the first trip to mars... or at least space.....
That's why I don't read the news. Tehre's nothing but depressing shit and in the end what you feel or think makes no difference whatsoever. Yes, it's cynical, but it's the truth unlessy ou're an activist. And how many people want to do that?
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