Saturday, September 04, 2004

A Hard Days Night

it was requested that i go into work early today for a special photoshoot. i was to take some new pics of a property i photographed several months ago. its a farm house on a 105 acre plot surrounded by dairy about half way between Petaulma (where i live) and Bodega Bay (the coast, town where Birds was filmed). the property is off a one lane dirt road which is off a 2 lane road which is off the main hi way between petaluma and bodega bay. anywho, the land is mostly rolling hills covered in (dry) grass. last time i was there i took pics around the house and barn and other building (there is also a small cottage on the property) as well as interior pictures of the house. this time we never stepped in the house, instead we hiked around the property for about an hour looking for vantage points to get a good shot of the buildings from. we got some good shots, as well as some excercise. on top of one of the hills we came across the skull of a cow..... the rest of the bones were strewn about nearbye..... weird. (not when you consider it is dairy land) but still... weird there was also a sping on the property; the telling sign was the grove of eucalyptus trees and greenery in a sea of dried grass and weeds. the weather was nice, beating sun with a warm offshore breeze. it was generally good times. on the way out there, Eric, the real estate agent who is selling the property, and i listened to some velvet revolver. he had heard about them - a band headed by STP front man Scott Weiland and Guns n Roses guitarist Slash. cool band, he seemed to like them...

ANYWAYS. so yeah, we did the hike and shoot thing for a good hour and back to the office, where i had a solid lineup of tasks including 2 banking runs, a trip out to novato, the usual crap and even a trip to the groery store for some sugar (and a sandwich). when it came time to check out, it was 6 hours later. wow. havent worked for that long in a while. work wise, it was a long day, but not too hard. i forgot to email myself some of the pics from the photoshoot, ill have to do that monday, i'll post em over on :seeing things" and i'll post a message reminding you as well. :-P umm.... am i forgetting anything? the weather was awesome today... nice and sunny with an occasional warm breeze.... and when i took the dog for a walk at like 9 pm it was so nice outside. the ground was moist (from watering?) but warm, the air was still and warm and the sky was crystal clear. i lay out in the grass again talking to carinne and staring up at the stars..... good times. i then came home, lay out in the back of my truck for a while, then moved onto my backyard and the hamock. i must have been outside for a good 2 hours in all. its still prolly nice out. holy shyte.... its early. i just realized ive been saying today... when in fact its tomorow. just pretend im NOT writing this at 6AM.... man is my sleeping schedule screwed up. i went to bed early for a change cuz no one was online and nathan was bored and went to bed early as well, but i woke up at like 3:30 for whatever reason, and saw that crystal had left me a message, i responded and rolled over... no expecting her to respond. we've been chatting ever since, she finally just went to bed. lets see if i can get back to bed myself shall we?


Blogger Thomas said...

oh. and one more thng, i tried that AUDIOBLOGGER thing like 12 hours ago... it has yet to post. >:(

Sat Sep 04, 06:00:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Nathan said...

You know I'm not gonnaread all that, right? Jesus, no wonder you outword me.

Sat Sep 04, 12:32:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

like you have something better to do????

everyone, go click on "purple haze" read what nathan is doing instead of reading my blog.


Sat Sep 04, 01:43:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

we shall indeed. ttyl.

Sat Sep 04, 10:12:00 PM 2004  

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