Saturday, August 28, 2004

San Fransiscan Nights

yes, I know, I've used this title before. so what? this time it is perfect. absolutely perfect for my post. in case you haven't caught on yet...I DID end up going into the city.... it didn't quite go as planned, but it was better than nothing. first off, as I stated before, I didn't get to leave early so that I could have a bunch of time to do tuff. when I posted my last post it was already well past the time I wanted to leave by... and despite my best efforts, things were still dragging.... I ended up having to pick up a pizza so my grandma and I could eat before leaving. w/e. long story short: I didn't leave home till just after 8. I made it to my grandma's in almost exactly an hour.

at that point I messaged nathan and let him know I was in the area. I then drove to his house. once there, I joined him and crystal in a rousing game of the legend of zelda, the four swords. that was pretty fun. we the played a few deathmatch style games. once that was over we watched a little sealab 2021... hilarious stuff. after 3-4 eps I decided I should go. it was just after midnight.

on the way home, I rolled down the windows and drove fast.the weather was freakin perfect. all day its been nice and sunny and hot, but on the was down, it was perfect. even my grandmam who is ridiculously delicate when it comes to open windows and the like, gad her window opened a bit. on the way back the weather was equally as impressive.... it was about 1 am when I was crossing the golden gate bridge.... which is alsways one of the first things to be engulfed in fog..... but not last night. when I crossed it I was treated to quite the view...... a sparkling city, alearly within view on my right, and a beaming moon high in the sky to my left. just perfect.


Blogger The Smurf said...

hey cuz, I'm glad u eventually went down to the city. On such a perfect night, why the hell not. So did you take grandma home with you again or what happened?

Sat Aug 28, 05:55:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Alana Jane said...

You should have a cam handy next time and post some pics to share ! :)

Sat Aug 28, 06:19:00 PM 2004  
Blogger carinne said...

Very nice. At least you got to go. Better times than the bad times that were previous.

Sat Aug 28, 08:01:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

Chrisee - yeah i took grandma, she was really begining to panic about things.... like that huge crack in the ceiling / archway by the living room and all the kids (3 a whole 3) coming over for chris' little lan party. w/e.

Shirz - yeah, i totally would have taken some pics, and i usually keep my digi cam in the armrest of my truck, but i forgot it. sucked.

carinne - definitely.

nathan - thanks for letting me hang out at yer house for the few hours i was able to. sorry i was so goddamn late, but it was good times none the less.

Sun Aug 29, 12:59:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Jason said...


jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity

Sun Aug 29, 01:05:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...


Sun Aug 29, 02:22:00 PM 2004  

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