Friday, August 27, 2004

Fuck Off

so pissed.

as you know, my grandma is staying over with us. she stated that she wanted to go home today. so i told nathan that i may be going down. we started to talk about what we might be able to do. this morning i call my mom and she tells me that my grandma WONT be going home today. my mom wanted to have one of her co-workers come by and look at our van and see if he could figure out what was wrong with it. and she insisted that i be there. INSISTED. that already put me into a pissy mood.

at work i find that i have a voicemail. its my boss. he informs me that there is a THING in the dumpster that needs to be cut with a hack saw. joy. i go to see what it is, and its a prehistoric table saw that looks like it weighs about 500 lbs. and i have to cut through 2 3 inch thing metal pipes. joy. did i mention that it was nearly 100 degrees out? cuz it was. i cut through the first without a hitch. about half way through the second pipe the blade pops off. hot. i then realize that the piece on the tip of the saw that holds the blade on is gone. somewhere in the dumpster. a dumpster FULL of dry leaves that i swept up around the parking lot and street 2 days ago. and now i have to find a small metal piece. after about 10 minutes to no avail. i go inside to show my boss, he tells me to find it. his reasoning is that it would be cheaper to pay me to look for it than to buy a new saw. gee, thanks. so i go back and begin the daunting task of sifting through dry leaves for a 1 inch piece of metal. after about 20 minutes of bvending over into the dumpster and breathing the wonderful fumes let off by the various forms of garbage inside, i finally found it. i reassembled the saw and tore through the last pipe like my life depended on it. i was sawing off of adrenaline and anger.

after i dismember that piece of shit i take off. get into my truck and call my mom to find out wtf is going on. she tells me that her co worker cant make it today and would be coming by tomorow. WHAT!??!?!?! you mean that i went to work at my normal time and got off at a normal time for nothing?!?!? i had planned to go in early to get out early to take my grandma early so i can hang out in the city with nathan and possibly rene if she was free. but no. my mom told me it wasnt happeneing so i told na6than i couldnt make it and i didnt even bother to see what rene was up to. FUCK!!! now i am stuck here, at home, on a friday noght FOR NO FUCKING REASON!!!!!!. shoot me. shoot me now.


Blogger Thomas said...

another random online clicker.... welcome to the jungle.

Fri Aug 27, 05:52:00 PM 2004  
Blogger carinne said...

Sorry Thomas... That's awful. Ugh.

Sat Aug 28, 08:00:00 PM 2004  

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