Back in the Saddle
school hath begun. ive been to 3 out of 4 classes already. so far things are ok. biology looks like alot of dry reading. we have a text book which she actually expects us to read. and a lab manual which we have to read. and of course, in class labs. luckily, no daily HW. per se. its the first class since my first semester that i have a friend in. so thats a plus. i have that mondays and wednesdays. on tuesdays i have "ot histry" (art history) in the morning. the teacher is a brit. hence the attempt at a british accent. its kinda weird to hear coming from a teacher, but its a nice change from the usual. she was fairly easy to follow, despite the accent. our assignements for that class look promising as well. again, no daily hw, at all this time, but we will again have to study our text. as the boredom multiplies.... as it turns out, i was actually warned by a fellow student NOT to buy the text book as we only use 5 chapters from it and dont even need all that is in each chapter. w/e we'll see. and lastly, tuesday nights i will have philosophy. that was an interesting class to say the least. for a 3 hour class, i took only half a page of notes. if that. to say that we went off on tangents would be the understatent of the century. the class, over assuming the philosophical role, analyzed everything the man said and wrote on the board, and questioned him about it. and he was able to dodge and weave his way verbally around just about anything. only once was he left speechless, and that was because he was deep in thought about the upcoming lecture. what erked me about the class was the class's inability to keep from getting politcal. granted, the theme for this semester is "fahrenheit 9/11" (ellen, thats yer que) and at the mere mention i heard the tention form around the room. clearly, this will be a fun class. the girl behind me took it upon herself to state loud enough for the 3 people around her that she hasnt seen it and does not plan to. ok then. here we go....
wow. what an ugly block of just text. but will i fix it? no.
Bio, art history and philosophy .. what major are you ? :)
those are just general education classes... nothing to do with my major. which is something along the lines of computer graphics.
Yes that IS ellen's cue. Lol.
sux0r. your classes sux0r.
it was interesting how when my phil teacher asked for examples of issues, people insisted on making things political. "kerry isnt a liberal" "americans aren't treated well in foreign countries" "its because of what we're doing". he defined an issue as something reasonable people may disagree on. and aperently reasonable people only disagree on international politics.
i was just about ready to submit my suggestion for an issue: "its too hot in the classroom." someone may think it too cold. we are reasonable, we have disagreed, we can now move onto presenting arguements. i hope this doesnt turn into a political food fight.
politics = teh suck
well said. I must agree with you.
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