Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm Gonna Crawl

so.... i havent yet gotten word about my stupid grant.... so... i guess thats a no? i have no idea. still no word yet on what im gonna do as far as housing. and i dont have a clue about my schedule so i would know if comuting is even a possibility. which id rather it werent. this whole situation sucks. i have no idea how im gonna go to school, or how i am going to afford it, or....... anything for that matter. i pretty much just spend every morning pretending to sleep, and afternoons pretending nothing is wrong, and evenings distracted enough to not have to do either.

yes, none of this will get anything done.... but its alot easier than having to actually think about it and just feel completely overwhelmed by it all. so.... damn solutions, ignorance is bliss. *sigh* to be a child again.....

anyways, in other news......


i guess... thats all.

wow. my life sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you looked into being an RA @ all? that would take care of housing, i think. iono i barely went to college. also, doesn't FAFSA cover a portion of housing expenses?

Tue Jul 19, 10:42:00 AM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW......wut r u waiting for?!?! call sum1!!! ask about yer schedule! ask about yer grant! nag em to death! we have questions and we want answers!!! NOW!!!

Tue Jul 19, 05:06:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Thomas said...

whats an RA? i have no idea if my FAFSA will cover housing, i may have said i wasnt interested in it because i was over confident about staying with my grandmas.

and... who is we? *looks around* im not sure i even care anymore.

Tue Jul 19, 06:12:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Thomas said...

well.... you convinced me. all of you. *looks around*

i called my councelor and left him a message. we'll see where this goes.

Tue Jul 19, 07:03:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Alana Jane said...

Hey cheer up. I'm sure things will eventually iron itself out - they always do.

I think an RA is a resident advisor? Used to have one when I was staying in the college hostel. An RA lives rent free but he/she is "responsible" for the general welfare of the hostelites (like when we get locked out, the RA has to come and "rescue" us .. stuff like that).

Anyway, hope you hear something about the grant soon ! :)

Wed Jul 20, 06:04:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Thomas said...

oh. is THAT what an RA is. hmm....

my councelor didnt get back to me today... if he doesnt call back to morow i'll try him again.

theres other news but we'll leave a whole new post for that goodness. or w/e

Wed Jul 20, 09:52:00 PM 2005  
Blogger carinne said...

Yea, an RA does get free room and board, but you're like a mentor to new students and you are basically the law enforcement in your hall. It's not a bad job -- it gives you a social life and looks great on a resume.

I'm not sure about FAFSA but it definitely might cover the costs of room and board. Look into it.

There are also loads of cheap student loans out there - low interest rates and you don't have to start paying them back until six months (usually) after you graduate. Giving you time to get a job and to start saving to pay off things. Always good.

There are just so many options with education out there. Money definitely should not be an issue for you to go to school. Things have been so restructured with financial assistance through so many banks and the gov't and through so much. Education has become such a key in society anymore that it's been made available so that anyone who wants to go to school can have the ability to go, and to be able to get financial assistance if it's needed. So much opportunity.

I'll IM you about it.

Sun Jul 24, 10:28:00 AM 2005  

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