Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Green Eyes

so i havent updated in a looooong time. the random quizes and stuff dont really count.. sicne they are not an u[date on anything but my continuing lack of creativity. geez how long has it been? hang on i have to check. ok. so on the 11th i helped lacey move. she and her BF just got a brand spankin' new house. its sooo nice. i wanna live there. if anyone wants specifics on it, ask me or her. that was pretty good times cuz i got to spend like 2 hours sorting out her kitchen!!! wait.. what? it was, actually, nice. eventhough i was super duper tired after.

i think that weekend i went down to the city and hung out with my cousins and my dad and went to see robots. great movie btw. hilfuckinarious. also shot some pool and whatnot. pretty good times i guess. this past weekend was super uneventful. on saturday my mom and sister went up to santa rosa and picked up her newly repaired flute. yup. thats all we accomplished. otherwise we had lunch and walked around the mall p there. my dad and his friend looked over the house on sunday. we were having issues with the livingroom sliding away. long story. not as bad as it sounds. or is it? we dunno. after he was done we dropped off Chrisee's gifts at her house and then took ben on a long ass drive. we didnt know where the hell we were going... but we ended up driving to the coast... then down highway 1 almost to the golden gate bridge.... which is the long way...... since its super windy along the coast. but it was good fun. pics of that on moblog.

weekdays have been more of the same. work, shool, rinse repeat. spair time taken up by WoW and sleep. otherwise, havent had much taime to hang out with friends at all. in fact... with the exception of randomly dropping in on Nathan and Lyla at the shop a couple weekends ago, lacey's the last one i really hung out with. and that was to carry her couch. man... wtf? not that i didnt enjoy it emensely, but i gotta make more time for shit like that. (hanging with friends... not carrying couches)

the only school work i have to show for myself is my art stuff, which i should start posting on my photoblog. someone remind me so i dont forget.

and now to answer the 5 questions of doom:

1. so, if Life=Music, then what song saved your life?
I'd have to say that "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf would be that song.. that was the first song to be part of my current library and it began my transition to ROCK

2. are you a filthy gamer like me?
i am. in fact, right now, i am playing World of Warcraft on my laptop not 2 feet away. i would play more..... but with school and work, i just dont have the time.(i assume thats the kind of Gamer you were talking about... since thats the kind i had in mind when i bought the tshirt) oh yes..... we have tshirts. in fact. im wearing it today.

3. if you were stuck on a desert island for six months and could only bring five CDs, what five would you pick? mix CDs do NOT count. nor do MP3 players or Ipods. yeah, i like this question, why not?
1. Pink Floyd - Pulse
2. Led Zeppelin - How The West Was Won
3. The Beatles - The White Album
4. The Doors - The Doors
5. Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced

4. if you won the lottery and family members that you'd never seen before come out of the woodwork to kiss your ass, how do you think you'd treat them?
umm... i would likely run and hide. its my family that has loved me regardless and my friends who actually had the choice and had loved me before all my vast riches who would benefit from it. money grabbing bastards.

5. and what the heck's up with your eyes?
its metaphorical. ask nicely and you can see em :-)


Blogger Alana Jane said...

I was just wondering when you were going to update ... =)

It's kinda weird but everytime I listen to my mp3 on the tram (on my way home from school), I'm always reminded of your blog (LIFE=MUSIC). Don't know why. Maybe life seems to be just about music whenever I'm plugged in. =)

Anyway, have a great easter week (you are having school hol next week too?).

Tue Mar 22, 10:54:00 PM 2005  

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