Are You Gonna Be My Girl
friday was chica's final visit to the vet for vaccinations. she is officially vaccinated. we cant get fixed yet since they require the dog be at least 2 lbs. (shes only 1.8 lbs. at 4 months old!!!!) so yeah, that was basically the highlight of the day as the restt of the day was spent at work and then at home making dinner, and then eating it. dinner that is.
saturday was spent doing DUM DUM DUUMMM chores. mainly cleaning up around the house. mowing lawns, cleaning rooms, and the like. the highlight of that day was when my dad brought in a laptop that he picked up at work. its a few years old. its got a pentium 2 with 256 megs of RAM and a 10 or so gig HD. its a toshiba, so i'm pretty happy, eventhough its a little old, it should be able to handle web browsing, chatting and MP3 playback no prob. problem is that its got win 98 so iTunes wont install and when i tried to install SBC Yahoo!, the brogram is under the impression that the computer has only an 88mhz processor. which is impossible. arash advised that i grab the newest game i had and install the newest version of directx so i can see the real processor speed. i grabbed warcraft 3 and installed directx 8... and it says its got "~166mhz Pentium II" WTF is ~166??? and i know its more than that!!! WTF!??! and on top of that, the laptop has a built in modem, as in, not a PC card or external one, its got the socket built right into the body... yet the computer has no idea. it wants drivers. BLAH! so yeah. thats the "highlight"
today family came up from SF and we just hung out around town. i spent the morning more or less lying out in the hammock enjoying some tunes, but once the family was over, we headed downtown for w/e the hell was going on down there, which as it turned out, was the tail end of an antiques fair. oh joy. my bro sis and i hung out mostly in the comic store as they looked at magic cards and manga and stuff and i just kinda wandered around, listening to my iPod. we grabbed some shoes at Deaf Dog (translates to blended chocolate/ice drink... think Frapuccino w/o coffee... but mine had coffee) and then grabbed some Fish -n-chips to go from Fourth and Sea and that was pretty much that. just got back about an hour ago from walking the dog. that was my weekend.
oh wait.... the title.... its in refernece to Eurotrip, which i saw Saturday night with my friend Lacey and some friends of hers at the house where she is house sitting. that was really fun. i say saturday night.. but we watched it at like 11:30 and i didnt get home till 1 AM sunday. o well. they played "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" several times over the course of the movie. i like that song/group... Jet's a real throw-back to bands such as The Rolling Stones and The Kinks... my kinda music. that is all.
I saw the word hammock and I saw myself on it. I want one so badly it hurts. Atari simply refuses to have it. He's weird.
Not too bad for a weekend. Better than mine. :) Pics on the way. Got to get to Atari's pc 1st.
the irony of the hammock is that we have had it and the play structure its hanging on for over 4 years now. we rescently sold the play structure to our neighbors... and not until then have we decided to use it to hang the hammock. so.. im trying to use it as much as possible before our neughbors finally take the play structure which theyve already bought.
Speaking of manga, I have more for your sis. With that buy three get one free at Barnes & Noble I stocked up a bit. ^^;
If she wants let her know she's welcome to borrow my graphic novels. Sorry 'bout the comics I'm giving her being out of order and being confusing. >__>
I forgot about the comics when we went to see GITS2 since I didn't write it in my planner... Just like how I forgot we were gonna watch the first movie before we went to the second. See, I can barely live w/o organization. xD
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