Friday, August 13, 2004

King Nothing

breaking news: i got nothing.
ever since my run in with a bicyclist my week has taken on a monotonousness that can be compared to, say, making arrows. i admit, thats prolly more monotonous, but it seems like my entire week is like that. like i cant discern one day from another. ironicly, the only unique aspects of my week occured at work. if it werent for the sheer variety of tasks that i am responsible for, id probably have gone nuts. it just sucks cuz this was my last week of summer, and i did nothing inetersting, nothing of note and nothing worth remembering. it sucked. i know, i know, the week isnt over, but friday doesnt look all that promising. i supose i could always hope for the best, but past luck tells me, tomorow might as well be wednesday.

this just in: i still have nothing.

and now we go to Ollie for the black-cue weather forecast. Ollie?


Blogger carinne said...

First of all, the only thing I noticed was your post title. Thank-you for that. I love that song. Wooohoo.

Second of all, I promote myself to be "ollie" (unless there really is an ollie out there that you're referring to, in which case, my utmost apologies to "ollie".).

This hurricane in FL is scary. I feel so bad for anyone there. Maybe all you emotionless Californianas are tough skinned to this stuff, but I feel really bad.

Fri Aug 13, 12:27:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

ok... first off:

yeah, i thought i'd throw you a bone since yer team got spanked yesterday

as for ollie, that was a family guy reference, his weather report was as follows: "Its go'n rain!"

and as for the poor floridians, sure its scary, but theyre kinda exciting, plus, you can see them coming from hundreds of miles away. we..... get earthquakes. the earth itself shakes and causes mass hysteria from which there is no escape and it is all completely spontaneus. so.... shush.

Fri Aug 13, 12:49:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Nathan said...

I made 6 dozen arrowsyesterday, then my right shoulder decided to commit seppuku and today i made none but the shoulder is back in action. THIS IS MY LIFE LOOK AT ME IT'S SO SAD!

Fri Aug 13, 08:30:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

hush, this is my soup box, go revel in self pitty on yer own blog. :-P

Fri Aug 13, 09:57:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

hey, i'm sick. i've been eating soup. i happen to have one of those around. yeah.. thats it. :-)

Sat Aug 14, 09:45:00 AM 2004  

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