Sunday, May 02, 2004

lets see... it was tuesday, at art class.. when my art teacher suddenly developed an attitude. all semester i've been seen as somewhat of a teacher's pet. but on tuesday, afer viewing the artwork that i, admitedly threw together before class in about an hour and a half. but still.. she totally called me out n my lack of drakness... when i drew a bowl of fruit in broad daylight.... so.. there WERE no darks. she then procedes to ask me why id dint finish blckening my background (i just did kind of an aura blackness around the top) i told her that i didnt wanna make such a mess and that it was iritating my alergies. she then sugested a mask or scarf (this in 90 degree weather). i brought the heat to her attention and she scoffed and responded with something involving the word "excuses." i couyldnt believe it.

o yeah, this is the teacher who regularly lectures us on attendance and tardiness. she was late tuesday... 10 minutes late. and she has canceled 3 classes already.. more than all my other teachers combined. oh.. and she cant stand it when cell phones go off... yet hers went off 5 times in class tuesday. twice when she was talking to me. the second of which she didnt return from before class officially ended. awsome.


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