this is the week before finals... so you wont here from me for a while. as it is i am scrambling to finish final projects. today i had 2 things due. a supreme court report in Political Science and a Portal style collage in Photoshop. i started the supreme court thing on monday when i first began looking up current cases. on tuesday i took massive amounts of notes on the various sources i had at my disposal. i also had to do an oral presentation on said report. sucks. luckily for me, on monday a group doing the same cxase presented. so all i had to do was remain seated anf provide support if they were stumped..... which they werent.. they were obscenely prepaired (they had overheads for godsake!!!) anyways, so i DIDNT have to do the oral.. awsome. i then found out that the notes i had taken were ALREADY in the format they needed to be in to turn in. SWEET. so all i had to do was transfer notes to computer and print.
the photoshop project was a bit trickier. i had to use my own pictures. (either ones that i have taken or ones that i got that were copyright free) so, this morning after political science, i drove around taking pictures. thats right, i GOT the pictures on the day that the final finished project was due. if thats not procrastinating i dunno what is. anyways, i took some shots through em into photoshop and did some sweet magic and voila i had a final project in a matter of hours. plus i got to take my spiffy new camera out for a shake down. its sweet. so... next week are finals. o CRAP i still have to turn something in. tootles.
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