Sunday, September 28, 2003

my grandma and aunt are leaving for hawaii tomorow.... so my mom and sister and i went into the city to visit and basicly send them off... sorta. we decided to do something... fun and so we decided to head into, of all places, Pacifica. more specificly:the fog fest. apropriately it was somewhat foggy.. though ironicly it burned off and actually turned out rather nice.

so anyway, here we are walking around (my 2 aunts, my grandpa, grandma, mom, sis and i) "downtown" (i guess) pacifica and i have an interesting experience. have you ever been dreaming and (don't worry i am not quoting the matrix) started to wake up and become coherent enough to realize that you are dreaming and then proceed to control the dreamworld that you find your self in? (for example: lets say i'm dreaming that i'm at school. then as i stat to stir i realize that i am dreaming.. but since i am enjoying myself i decide to have... i dunno... george lucas walk through the door and take over my photo shop class.) anyways... here i am walking through the streets of pacifica home to my former high school and i think to myslef: "i wonder if i'll recognize andyone from good ol' oceana..." not 2 minutes after the thought crossed my mind a blonde girl in a black hooded sweatshirt with her sleeve pulled over her left hand wich is covering her mouth walks by... her eyes gazing at me. i have no choice but to look back and stair into her eyes. though her face was mostly covered i am almost positive that girl was jessica "blondie." once that thought crossed over me i slowly looked away as i got this really WEIRD feeling in my stomach and in the back of my head (kinda like that bead of sweat that apears on the back of a character's head in an anime... thats the best i can describe it.)

now.. looking back on that experience i, for some reason, don't believe myself. almost like it was a vision or halucination. very weird indeed. i havent seen blondie in almost 3 years.. then after about five 10 minute conversations with her online.... i we walk right past eachother on a sunday in september. i am still not sure if that was her.. but it would be nice if it was... even if i only saw her eyes....


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