Holy Crap am i tired. i pretty much worked a full day today. i went in at 2... and didnt leave til 9:30. so thats what? 7 1/2 hours. sweet. my first week on the job and already i've put in all kinds of extra hours. (its not over time cause i don't have any concrete workig hours). the first thing i did was get my voice mail, on which was a message that i was to go put a "sale pending" sign on one of our houses. next i walked a across the street to buy some crazy glue. hell yea! i'm doin the real important stuff! after that i went up to santa rosa (anout a 1/2 hour drive) to go pick up a package. when i got there, i learned that there was a $50 fee for it. nice. and me withought my master card. so i ca;ed the office and aperently there was a check already made out.. nice of them to let ME know. luckily we were able to send it via mail. after returning from Santa Rosa i picked up my mom and sister and took them to my sister's Gymnastics class thingy. upon returning to work, i found that our parking lot had been turned into the patio outside most restaurants and hotels where a party is being held that you werent invited to. only this time, i HAD to be there. in fact, i was getting paid to be there. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! dont worry, its not as great as it sounds. my job was basicly to walk around in circles to see if anyone needed anything. this was customer appreciation day and all the agents invited past clients to come and have a good time with the people who sold them their house. so i was making runs for mroe plates and sour crout (which we couldnt find for like 1/2 an hour). my main job, however, was to make sure none of the four garbage cans was over-flowing. and to then empty the cans when they were full. fun. it wasnt TOO bad. i had to empty about 10 or so cans in all. i did manage to sneak in some actual partaking of the feast at some point. i had a really big (and tasty) hot dog and later i had a hamburger. oh... i also walked around a couple of times and snapped some digital pictures of the crowd (a few from the roof.. that was cool). and if having hundreds of people stuffing their faces (and our garbage cans) wasnt crazy enough.... after everyone left, the agents and I all dimantled the tables and such. (actually i didnt touch the tables) i took down a bunch of umbrellas and slipped them into covers (i found myself with a huge umbrella between my legs, slipping a gigantic tube chaperd cover over it.... can you sat awkward looking??? use your imagination..... it didnt take long for one of the agents to make a comment "this is called having safe... umbrellas" "look, i found one big enough" "this one is STILL too small" you get the idea) after that we packed up all the ice chests and bottles and cans a stuff. this was the pint that i noticed that the 2 kegs of beer and several cases of whine had completely set in. these people started getting pretty loud and.. well... goofy. my boss, after telling me that he would back this huge truck up (to where i did not know) decided to pull OUT of the parking lot (i thought ghe was gonna pull further in) so kevin (hes the guy who used to do what i am doing now) and I run over to wher we realized he was parking and noticed that he was gonna brush against a tree that was planted on the sidewalk area by a telephone poll. despite kevin and i yelling and hitting the truck, he took out about 1/3 of the tree by breaking off a huge branch. the real hilarity ensied when i returned to the parking lot of somewhat drunk realtors with a huge branch in hand. "it needed to be trimmed anyway" "maybe he should back up around the rest of the parking lot and trim the rest of the trees." after realizing that his attempt to park the truck on the street was futile he just parked across the street in the European Car Repair shop driveway. i finally left at around 9:30 with some leftover lettuce and red onion. what a day. i guess you could say i just got paid to be at a party.. but it was far more tiring and difficult and downright gross than that. (as i said my job was to clear the garbage... well someone took it upon themselves to empty a can and take it over to the dumpster area. well.. by this time the dumpster had been filled up, so they basicly just threw the bag atop the neat pile i started... without tying it up. so it fell over and spilled all over the place. wonderful.) something to do tomorow. speaking of which... i have to go in EXTRA early tomorow... right after i drop off my mom (7:30) to spray down the parking lot and then i have to go over to my boss's house to unoad the ise chests and what not. more to look forward too. i guess i better go off to bed now.... since i gotta get up early tomorow. this is thomas signing off... or something (i dunno i got nuthin!)
Friday, July 11, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
Rescently Played
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- well i went to a job fair in Santa Rosa today.. i ...
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Look Out Your window
![]() moon phase |
sea no evil. here no evil. bee no evil.
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