Sunday, July 06, 2003

Lets try this again... the first timne i tried updating, my internet cut off and i lost everything. that DSL cant come soon enough!!!! (oh yeah, i got DSL... hooray for me!!!) anyways, on with the post. when i did this this morning i ranted for a while about privacy and how i loath when people look over my shoulder. its customery for me to hit windows+D when sopmeone walks into my room just because i dont like people looking over my shoulder (especially when i'm updating one of my blogs or chatting with other people) its not that i have somehting to hide it just boters me.

moving on...

so... where was I.. ah yes, the forth of July. wooptie damn doo. sure we bought some fireworks to blow off.. but they just arent very impressive. i wanted to see a REAL fireworks show. as i said before, our local fireworks show was pushed forward a day. so anyways, yesterday we had company over. the usual. grandparents and aunt from the city. staying for the weekend. the surprise guests were my uncles and aunt (neither is married.. and they aren't related... nor are wither of them related to me... they are just good friends of eachother and of the family. i just grew up always reffering to them as uncle and aunt.. i dunno.) anyways, my uncle buddy is really into show business (actually they all are) but he actually makes movies.. well documentaries about various places he's visited. anyways, he just got back form bancok.. again, and again he's brought a bunch of, shall we say, pre released and duplicated computer applications. he hooked me up with Roxio Easy CD and DVD creator 6 Platinum, as well as Photohop 7.01... which isnt even out yet. and another disc which contains the latest software from Macromedia and Adobe. good stuff.

after a nice all american barbeque, they departed and we had plans to go and see the fireworks show which they were putting on at sonoma state university which is about a 10 minute drive north. last year we tried to make the show in sann rafael, which is about a 20 minute drive south, and arrived just intime to see the end of the finale. this time i did my bext to RUSH everyone out the door. on our drive up, we see the first fireworks go off in the distance. it had begun. by the time we actually got to the college, there was nothing left but a huge cloud of smoke and a whole lot of on coming headlights. we've created an anual tradition of completely missing the fireworks shows!!!! and ijm pissed!


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