yesterday was a great day. for starters, i started my new job. i work for the local Century 21 real estate office. its the largest in the north bay. anyways, im the official multitasker. the best way to describe my job is that i do everyth9ing but sell real estate. so.... yeah.... thats just about everything. and potentially, i can do just that, and may have to. yesterday wasn't to bad, i just ran some errands with Paul the computer guy and Kevin the former gopher guy. i went with paul to do a virtual tour and some picture taking (possibly the coolest part of my job) virtual tours involve a digital camera on a tripod looking straight up into one of those dome shaped wide agled mirrors to take a snap shot of the whole room. from there we send the pictiure to another company that prcesses it and turns it into one of those virtual 360 degree things. very cool.
today i was introduced to the employees at the weekly meeting, after that i went out and trimmed the hedges in preperation for the party we are having thursday. (i will usually work afternoons.. but i went in extremely early today so i can go ot the meeting) anyways, after i finished the hedges, i went to yard birds to get some plants. after checking there and then at orchard supply, i went back to yardbirds and bought what they had. i then went back to the office, ripped out the existing plants and planted the new ones. nice huh? it was like 90 degrees outside!!!! then i had some lunch. apon returning i proceeded to walk through the ENTIRE OFFICE (did i mention it was the largest in the north bay... yeah, it is... quite... big) and i dumped every recycle bin and garbage can i came across. big fun. after that i read the company handbook, filled out a form, cleaned the 3 signs outside and went home. bloody fun.
finally at home, i was able to reep the fruits of my laibor. yesterday, in the mail i reciened my DSL modem and stuff. sweet!!!!! i have dsl!! i have DSL!!!!! I HAVE DSL!!!!!!!!!!!! hoooray for me. i tested my new pipe by downloading painted black by the stones. (though i didnt realize that in order to plug in my DSL, i unplugged my speakers. o well. i fixed it today and listened to it.) so yeah, it was extremely easy to set up..... literally just plugging it into the wall. i made things more complicated by having my desk on the oposite side of the room as the phone jack.. plus i had to worry about getting it through my network switch. but to my astonishment, it worked without any problem whatsoever. i didnt have to do any configuring, it just.... was online. weird. my next project is to get a new desk so that i can move my computer to a better spot in my room.... and i have to hook up my bros computer to the DSL, since for some reason the nework cable must be broken or something. thats all for now.
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