Thursday, June 19, 2003

well i went to a job fair in Santa Rosa today.. i really hope i get the job. i need this job. i have WAY TOO MUCH spair time and not nearly enough money. keep you finger's crossed. anyways, i found out from traylor a couple of days ago why i havent talked to pyro in so long.. aperently she is in tahoe... nice of her to tell me!!!! i was worried sick!!!! actually i wasnt.. but i was gettin a lil lonely....i just realized that she was the only person to offer inteligent conversation in the wee hours of the night... or even on a re3gular basis that i know of.
In Other News

I was browsing through friendster a couple of days ago...looking to see if any of my long lost friends was on it... and just my luck.. i found one. i found May... you know, back from OHS all those long years ago. (for me anyway) i havent talked top her in like 3 years!!! anywyas, when she decided to be my friend... i assume she recognized me... my personal network of friends grew from about 500 to about 18,000!!!!!!! 18,000 PEOPLE!!!!!! (including God... i dunno) so yeah.. for those of you who don't kow about friendster yet, its a big network where people can meet people... through friends. its like 6 degrees of seperation. (i am connected to God through May... who is connected through one of her friends.. who is a friend of God) its cool. you can only access profiles of people on your network.. so i am somehow conn3ected to all 18000 of those people... all through just 2 friends of mine.... its quite amayzing when you really think about it. anyway, for those of you who want to get in on this thing... drop me a line and i1ll ivite you. its quite addicting.


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