as for today... we had a minor catastrophe. well... the catastrphe has been ther for a while. there ahs been a puddle slowly forming in front of my livingroom window for a few months... we just assumed it was a small leak from the faucet where our sprinkler was connected. we were wrong. upon further investigation, we discovered that it was a sup teranead leak from a pipe. so this was going to require digging. my dad started us off on sunday. yeasterday my bro and i picked up where he left off and enlarged the whole... as it filled up faster and faster. we eventually came across the pipe that leads from the fixture to the sprinkler system. it is plastic.. a likely suspect.. but since the sprinklers were currently off.. it made no sense that the leak would continue. so we had to go deeper for the main line... joy. there was no way in hell we were gonna reach the damn pipe cuz it was deeper and closer the the wall.... between some bushes and under a bay window. so.. i spent alot of the moring ripping the hell out of the bush... and left it a pathetis stump of its former self. looks like we wont be decorating it with christmas lights next year. after i got the bush out of the way, i started to dig around it hoping to remove the stump itself.. to no avail. my uncle had come over to give me a hand. eventualy we got that damn thing out... it left quite a hole.. good, less digging. we continued down from where the bush once stood. my uncle had sugested shutting off the water line... in front of the dinning room. we did. yet still, somehow, the hole was still filling with water. and it seemed to be accelerating. so i sugested shutting off the main line at the meter. i did. the leaking stopped. briliant. we sucked out the remaining water after finally pin-pointing the source (or at least the direction) of the leak. we dug straight down from the forth coming water and hit copper. in the process of clearing the pipe we must have worsened the leake cuz when i flipped the water back on.. the friggin thing erupted like a goddamn geyser. which ment that a shower before heading to work was imposssible. luckily my mom had filled a bucket witrh water for just such a situiatiuon. so i was able to somewhat wash up before work. problem was.. i had just spent all moring doing hard physical work.. and now i had to go to work. GODDAMNIT! o well. at least they pay me. thankfully when i got home... the plummer had come and gone and had fixed the problem.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
Rescently Played
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Look Out Your window
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sea no evil. here no evil. bee no evil.
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