I am currently on bart. it is pouring rain outside. and this song came
up on my ipod and I thought it was just too appropriate, so it reminded
me to blog, which I haven't done in a while.
let me start by again saying thank you to "shrimp" for your well wishes,
I owe you so much for your confidence in me.
anywho, 2 weekends ago (sorry, I meant to blog sooner, really, I
promise, but I haven't had internet..... even less than usual. cuz
nathans desktop isn't working at all, the desktop at my aunts is not
connecting, the internet at home isn't working and my laptop only
connected for a few minutes at my aunts. which is why I'm typing this
out on my sidekick) so yeah, 2 weekends ago was my birthday. I turned
the big 21. woo! now I can drink, cuz as you all know, I'm a huge
drinker. yep. didn't have a single drink that day. or since for that
matter. yes, I know, I'm lame. get overe it. I did.
saturday was my sisters soccer game, which sher unfortunately lost, but
her team played an awesome season, so grats to them for being one of the
best teams in the league. after the game was a get together for my
birthday. I was sent on a wild plexiglass chase in order to get me out
of the house, at which point a surpriser party was put together for me.
I saw it coming.... the cars parked at the highschool was a dead give
away. sorry guys. can't fool me.
anywho, all my friends werer there. well.... ther ones I know in person
and stuff. even melissa and arash found a way to fit me in to theire
busy schedules. j/k guys. not that it matters, since neithere of you
read this. anywho, thanks to all my other friends for making it up
there, it really was a surprise to see all you guys up there, and I had
an awesome time. no offenser lacey, but I half expected you there, not
that I didn't thoroughly enjoy your presence.... or your presents?
everyones presence and thei presents. can I stop with this joke now? cuz
its supere lame.
anywho, ther next day I headed out to the city and hooked up with
the.... the... I dunno what to call you, ther non petaluma people? and
went to ther niner game. my dad and aunt and ther usual tailgaters werer
out there throwing a party and they had me invite my friends to join in
ther festivities.... and ken acquired some tickets, so we ended up going
in after all. so that was fun, the niners won, it was good times for
since cer then, its ben school madness with me going in to school 6 days
straight between monday and saturday. not good times. we are working on
building a hydraulic arm out of some sort of material of our choice
(wood) and plastic syringes (to move the segments of the arm) I got the
claw built and working, which was the hard part. we have to figure out
how and where we will be placing the syringes to move the arm, and how
to get the rotational part to work (a sort of pulley thing we tried to
build) I'll have pics of that in the coming days.
while that's going on, I am sanding out my teapot which is just about
done, it just needs a handle. and then I can sperate the 2 halves, cast
it in plastic to creat a mold which I will use to make a plaster like
model of it. and then it will be painted, so I'm still in the first
stages of it.
meanwhile, drawings are constantly being done in my other 2 classes,
which I'm probably behind in, but honestly, those drawing don't amount
to as much as the hydraulic arm and teapot do in my other classes. so...
if I pass with a c in computer drafting I'll be satisfied and if I get a
b in perspective I'll be extatic, but a c will be acceptable. the other
2 classes I'm planning on getting at least Bs. so yeah. *crosses
fingers* wish me luck!
OMG! you never told me it was you b-day. so...happy late b-day.
and don't thank you. you make it easy to have confidence in you!
oh...and i wanted to thank you last night for always being there for me (i was in a weird/bad mood), but i guess you weren't there. so i shall wait till you are there. which isn't right now. oh wait yeah it is. i'm IMing you and leaving a comment at the same time.
good luck in your classes! *keeps fingers crossed*
oops. i meant to say "don't thank me" in that last comment. i'm tired and sick, give me a break.
Happy excessively belated Birthday Thomas....
I'm not much of a drinker myself...... so hey, it's not that lame *grins*
yeah, happy birthday. late. oh, and evil. and stuff.
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