After Midnight
I have a feeling this is gonna be a long one... so hold on tight. i'll start by recapping the last week.... which has been largely consumed by school, work, WoW, and sleep. and pretty much no time for anything else. Including eating, blogging and a social life of any sort. but all of that changed on friday...
it started bright and early in the morning when i went to the optometrist immediately after dropping my sister off at school. apparently I'm slightly blinder than i used to be. so im getting some new glasses soon. which is awesome cuz I've just about had it with these. also, i was using the truck for the day because i had promised Lacey some boxes from work. so... i contacted her from the optometrist's parking lot and proceeded to go and pick her up. i drove her to my work and grabbed them aand took them to her house. we then set out for her school, Sonoma state. when we walked out of the admissions building, we realized that we had walked out into a different environment then we had left. the scattered cloudy somewhat sunny weather had turned into a very cloudy, very rainy environment. it was absolutely POURING. it was raining so hard that i couldn't see across the quad at the Schultz Library. Lacey decided we were going to make a run for it. everything was going fine until lacey ran across a puddle.... or more accurately, she ran into a pond. it was then that we figured it was pretty pointless to continue to run since she was knee deep in water an we were getting absolutely poured on. we met her BF, Bill, at a Chinese place in town and had lunch. after that i hung out a little longer with Lacey till she had to work. and i went to work.
the plan was to get out early so i can get into the city with enough time to take Nathan and Crystal to a performance thing she had to get to. i got out around 4:30ish and went home to shower and pack up for what i was hoping would be an overnighter in the city. unfortiunately with traffic and my lack of bridge toll which i realized just before getting to the bridge. so i had to backtrack to find a place i could get some dough (and caffeine... i was sooo tired) i ended up not getting to Daly City until 7. by that time they had decided we wouldn't have enough time to make it back into the city for the performance, instead we hung out at the shop. i spent that time mostly chatting with Ken and watching Jenna roll around in her walker. by around 9 they were closed up and i was gearing up to shoot. my first shot missed the target completely, but every shot thereafter with the exception of two at least hit the paper target, most hit the target itself. and one, im happy to say, hit the bullseye. so scratch 1-3 off my list. we finished up around 11ish.. i think. we decided to head to IHOP for some dinner and were there until Saturday. i went back to Nathan's with Nathan, Ken and Crystal and delved immediately into some WoW. which actually worked pretty well. though i was seriously dozing off by 3 or so, we finished up and i got to bed by about 4.
we woke up around 12 and i watched Nathan play some resident evil 4. not all that scary so much as it was frantic and urgent. alot different than how i remember the series. eventually we decided to get some some grub as soon as Ken showed up. so we grabbed some burger king and took some food to Nathan's hungry family at the shop. Nathan ended working for an hour or so, but i didn't mind, i got a chance to talk with Ken and Crystal and i took a nice pic of the view of Daly City from their front door (Crystal brought to my attempting 2 kids? dressed as the statue of liberty and uncle sam holding a sign directing people to... somewhere.... but you cant really make them out in the pic) so anyways.... we went back to Nathan's and watched an episode of Law & Order and once we were thoroughly depressed, we moved on to something a little more tongue in cheek. we watched Dr. Strangelove. now there was a hilarious movie. go see it. now.
after a while, despite the fact i should have been home hours before, i realized it was fast approaching the time at which Rene was getting off work. she called me during the movie and i told her i prolly couldn't make it to get together because as it was i was already in deep shit with my mom. but as i thought about it, i was prolly gonna get yelled at when i got home anyway, so i might as well get my money's worth. so i called her back after she was scheduled to get off work, to no avail. apparently she decided to help close up since we weren't gonna get together. anyways, at around 10:30 we finally decided we were hungry enough to go eat. so Nathan Crystal and I went to Denny's for another round of late night dinner. i got a call halfway through dinner.. it was Rene, i told her we were at Denny's and talked her through some road rage... and soon she was having french toast we were all laughing ourselves stupid. it was good times.
time to wrap this bitch up. so after "dinner" (which again went till past midnight) we went back to Nathan's AGAIN. Rene joined us and we hung out for a while she got a tour of his room (and its contents) and i packed up my stuff. i didn't get to spend a whole helluva lot of time with Rene and i didn't hang out with Arash at all (which i feel kind of guilty about... but he said he was sick Sunday) but i had such an awesome time. I'm so glad that i got to stay the night Friday and that i ended up staying late Sunday... i wouldn't have missed that for the world.
good times! i can't believe u stayed in the city until 20 past monday...
actually.. i stayed even later closer to 1:20
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