Dream On
the culmination of boredom and a lack of creativity

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
more pandelerium!!
1. Your name spelled backwards:
Samoht.... or Sam for short. Sam I am. i DO like green eggs and ham.
2. Where were your parents born?
San Francisco
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
umm uhh.... a certain.. uhh.... video............ no. wait. i downloaded the new version of iTunes since then. :-)
4. What's your favorite restaurant?
hmm... as far as memories go, ive had alot of good times at Applebee's..... but as far as just plain awesomness.... theres this sushi place in San Francisco called blowfish. if you like anime and sushi have i got the place for you!
5. Last time you swam in a pool?
prolly last summer some time. tried out my cousins new pool which they got at the end of summer last year.
6. Have you ever been in a school play?
thankfully... not tht i can remember
7. How many kids do you want?
one or two..... i guess
8. Type of music do you dislike most?
umm..... kiddie pop (Hillay Duff and the like.
9. Are you registered to vote?
10. Do you have cable?
nope. i have satelite. BOOYAH! i dunno.
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped?
12. Ever prank call anybody?
not that i recall. im deprived i know.
13. Ever get a parking ticket?
actually... just last weekend..... but thats cuz my dad totaly forgot it wasnt sunday. first one i swear.
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
not if i could help it.
15. Farthest place you ever traveled?
Mexico. Cancun Mexico. i was 9 or so at the time. saw the mayan ruins. BARELY remember what it was like.... but i remember how cool it was. i wwanna go back.
16. Do you have a garden?
i dont... but my mom does. tomatoes and zucchinni and stuff.
17. What's your favorite comic strip?
umm.... i dunno.... i enjoy The Peanuts, Boondocks and Calvin and Hobbs
18. Do you really know all the words to the national anthem?
only this much:
im sure if i really tried i can get most of it. ive been to enough baseball games.
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night?
shower. whenever. i like at night, but i usually do it in the late morning or something. i dunno.
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month?
ive seen alot of good movies in the past month with my netflix subscription. shaun of the dead, unbreakable, and Hero being among the best. (i saw garden state exactly one month ago... so lets count that too)
21. Favorite pizza toppings?
like Sid, i like mushrooms and pepperoni.
22. Chips or popcorn?
chips. tortilla chips though... unless they are kettle style potatoe ones, those are good.
23. What color lipstick do you usually wear?
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?
ive never smoked.
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
"let me answer that question in my Eddie Murphy voice. ahem: oh, HELL, no!!!"
26. Orange Juice or apple?
27. Favorite type of chocolate bar?
baby ruth is always good. i also like snickers. and crunch. and.....
28 When was the last time you voted at the polls?
AT the polls? never. always absentee
29. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
not too long ago... as previously mentioned, my mom has a garden. but theyre not in season. also.... i think i was slightly alergic to it.... i dunno
30. Have you ever won a trophy?
nope. never did much sports. never enough to warant a trophy. ive gotten ribbons :-)
31. Are you a good cook?
i guess..... i can make spanish rice! among other things.
32. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
uh... yeah. how hard can it be?
33. Ever order an item from an infomercial?
34. Sprite or 7-up?
Bawls!!!!!! @.@
35. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?
nope. i wear pretty much whatever i want... unless i am resceptionisting in which case i need to look presentable.
36. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy?
Claratin. but it was a Target.... does that count?
37. Ever throw up in public?
yep. thats when i discovered my alergy to pesto.... had some pesto ish pasta salad in sausolito a looong time ago. then was about to board a ferry... a puked my lunch out. that was not good times.
38. Would you prefer being a millionaire or to find true love?
hmm... cant i have both? well..... money cant buy happiness so....
39. Do you believe in love at first sight?
umm.... no. id say its more like infatuation.
40. Ever call a 1-900 number?
sadly yes. (sorry arash... :-) its ok... he doesnt read this)
41. Can exes be friends?
umm.... i suppose..... though i cant say ive had much luck.
42. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
uhhh...... my grandma when she..... ummm.... .broke something. an arm i think? i dont remember.
43. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby?
i dont remember. :-P
44. What message is on your answering machine?
HAHAHA!!!! it is as follows:
"Hello?............................. yeah, this is my voicemail so uh, leave me a message"
it pisses EVERYONE off.... cuz they start talking to the recording. i love it.
45. What is in your backpack?
lets go check.... Philosophy text book, Philosophy reader, notebook, folder thing, pens and pencils (theres usually a sketchbook in their too)
46. Favorite thing to do before bedtime?
umm... check blogs, play WoW (see previous post) take a shower.
47. What is one thing you are grateful for today?
the fact that im still breathing.
48. What is the first concert you ever went to?
uhh... well.... technically it was probably a beachboys peformance at a local fair..... but the first REAL concert i went to.. .was The Who last August. that was freakin awesome.
and im spent. talk to y'all later.
"10. Do you have cable?
nope. i have satelite. BOOYAH! i dunno." [BOOYAH.. best word ever !]
"17. What's your favorite comic strip?
umm.... i dunno.... i enjoy The Peanuts, Boondocks and Calvin and Hobbs"[i liked calvin and hobbs]
"23. What color lipstick do you usually wear?
......"[does lipstick count too as that thing you put on your mouth to protect from the sun or cold?..if not.. whats the name of that?]
"29. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?"[stupid me.. didnt really payed attention i guess.. got it now :p oops]
"43. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby?
i dont remember. :-P"[hahaha]
"44. What message is on your answering machine?
HAHAHA!!!! it is as follows:
"Hello?............................. yeah, this is my voicemail so uh, leave me a message"
it pisses EVERYONE off.... cuz they start talking to the recording. i love it."[hauhauha cool.. a friend of mine used to have a message like that and i always started talking its so funny]
by bru
Where I live WoW used to mean...
Whip 'em out Wednesday, back in the days of Opie and Anthony on WBCN (local radio show) The last I knew, they had a radio show in NY (got kicked outta Boston for a prank they pulled, if I remember rightly) but... I still see the bumber stickers on cars occasionally.
Good times. :)
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