Sunday, January 09, 2005

Somewhere I Belong


today was my cousin Angela's birthday party in SF. she is the youngest daughter of my dads oldest sister. she turned 22. i always liked her because she is alot like me. unlike the rest of my dad's family which can be loud and obnoxious. they all listen to hip hop and wear the latest urban styles. i decided to "represent" and so i wore my pink floyd t-shirt. one of my cousins was wearing a tupac shirt. the birthday girl... linkin park. heh... kinda half way between hip hop and rock. also, shes an artist. the living room is adorned with her artowork, mostly paintings, some of our grandpa who i think she was pretty close to. (she goes to the Art Institute.... sorry nathan) she also has one of the coolest doors.... its completely covered COMPLETELY COVERED with stuff. from bumper stickers to cd labels and covers to pictured to posters..... there isnt a spot of barewood anywhere to be seen. i dunno what the insdie of her room looks likee though, last time i saw it was covered in anime posters and stuff. but that was a while ago.

as for the party, it was the usual. watched football. stuffed my face. pretty much kept to myself and my sidekick. the last time i went to the part of a cousin on my dad's side was my cousin who is my age. he had a surprise 20th party. and never have a felt so out of place when around so much family. granted, i didnt know half the people who were there... but also, there were alot of people there who i didnt even know. it was pretty bad though, my brother and i pretty much stood outside talking amongst ourselves. i was longing for my sidekick which i had yet to take delivery one. it was not good times. today wasnt as bad. there was football to watch and i knew almost everyone there, and i socialize well with the adults. *shrugs*

while we were there my sister was reading one of the oh my goddess books she is borrowing... and my cousin Marcus (Angela's older brother) came in, took note of it and correctly guessed what she was reading without looking at the cover, he then proceeded to recomend to her another Anime graphic novel series called "Nausicaa" anyone know anything about it? my sis read a little, but went back to Oh My Goddess, my brother, however, read through alot of it. *shrugs* i dunno. the food was good. i actually had some cake, only because it had almost no icing, and what it had was frozen and was easily picked off. it was an ice cream cake. my head hurts....

my head hurt so much i forgot the second part of my post. anyways, what i was going to say was... last thursday was it? i think so.... i went down to SF to take my gandma home. and while in the area i decided to hang out a little bit with nathan and crystal and lyla. so we all went out to lunch, had luch, then went to the shop to hang out for a bit before i had to go so i could get back in time for work. i made it JUST in time... not that i can be late.. .but i have a time at which i am expected... got it? ok good. so yeah, we had a good time just having lunch and talking about random stuff.... it was awesome.

in a similar story... i stopped by nathans house on my way home last night to pick up something and drop a couple things off. crystal ken and jerm were there... they were watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. if you dot know what it is, it would be too hard for me to explain.... sorry. anyways, its pretty damn funny and i saw one episode while i was there but i had to go. i wish i could have stayed loger.... but alas, i couldnt. i think i found it.


Blogger Thomas said...

icing is the sugary crap that they put on cakes that makes me sick. icing is why i had a cookie cake. icing is the tool of satan.

and yes, "somewhere i belong" is linkin park. in honor of my cousin's stshirt and taste in music and in reference to the content of the post.

Mon Jan 10, 09:03:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Restless Angel said...

Sounds good.. except the frosting.. I mean, icing. When my mom used to make my brother or my bday cakes, I got to eat the extra frosting for a good two or three days. Now, I can't even eat 1/2 a spoonful without feeling like I'm gonna gag. *sigh* Getting older sucks, dammit... and now I have L.P. stuck in my head.... I think I'll add that to my list..... *grin*

Mon Jan 10, 09:52:00 PM 2005  

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