Thursday, November 18, 2004

Soul Sacrifice

umm.... not a whole lot new to report. just more of the usual work/school junk. i finally, at long last, wrote that damn essay for Sociology. and in doing so realized the magic that is Starbucks. yeah yeah yeah. i know.... supporting huge Seatle based corporation....... BUT! a sorta-friend works there. and i must say, the atmosphere is NICE. the main area is like any other starbucks.... with round tables and the couter and the shelf of stuff and of course coffee all over the place... but then there is a seperate room about half the size of the main area with 2 big comfy chairs, a coffee table thing, more tables and chairs and a big fireplace at the far side in front of the comfy chairs. while i have yet to try out the comfy chairs, i have rather enjoyed the last 2 days during which ive sat in that side room and worked on my essay. wait.. what? did i just say i enjoyed writing an essay??? well.. under the circumstances..... of all the ways to write an essay.. this was by far the most enjoyable. all i did was buy a beverage, sit down for an hour or so and start rambling on about whatever. i pumped out 4/5 of my essay this morning in an hour's time. and it only cost me 3 dollars. i may do this more often now.... i wish deaf dog had such a place suited for study.. but that room is just soooo warm and cozy.

aaaaaanyways, in other news, i had my soc class today. the topic today was dealing with family crisis. begining with dealing with loss. such as loss of home from natural disaster, loss of employment or loss of a loved one. this would have been real helpful a few days ago since on monday melissa told me that he grandfather died. she talked to me a little about it. i havent had to deal with a death in my family since my grandpa died years ago.... i was much younger and i wasnt particularly close to him. so.. i really didnt know what to say. however, i really didnt get a whole lot from todays class on the subject anyway so... i guess it doesnt matter. what we mostly focused on, for some reason, was dealing with infidelity. and of course we got to watch more Dr. Phil and him dealing with stupid people. good times. before that we watched a video about a kid with ODD Oppositional Defiance Dissorder..... means he doesnt listen to anyone and fights tooth and nail to have his way. the solution was basically to give him what he wanted by making deals with him. so like if he wants pizza for dinner... his parents basically HAD to get pizza and then tell him that since he was getting pizza he had to read a certain amount of pages in his book. and if it was bed time... they would let him spend a few more minutes on the computer and then he would agree to go off to bed. it may seem like giving in.. but compared to dealing with a screaming, cursing, kicking, punching 6 year old for 5 hours just to get him to go to bed... 5 more minutes on the computer is a small price to pay.

im really all out of stuff to talk about. i wasnt sure how this was gonna tie into my song selection for this evening.. but i just realized it works out quite nicely... and its a great song. but no lyrics, so dont click. instead go listen to it. right click, save target. or click and wait for it to play on yor default media player. your choice. hmm.. maybe i should change all the title links to links to DL the song instead of lyrics...... hmm....


Blogger Thomas said...

anyone else wanna leave a comment? please????

Sat Nov 20, 01:26:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Alana Jane said...

comment, comment, comment. :P


i like studying in starbucks too but sometimes, the music distracts me a little. And .. the DL idea is good .. but not sure if it's legal ??

Sat Nov 20, 05:44:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Restless Angel said...

I remember when I was in school, I loved psych and sociology. I understood the material very well... I just never tested well in it... It was just one of those things....

Sat Nov 20, 10:08:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

shirz - leagl? HAH! yeah i guess that would be a problem..... expecially since i wanna eventually get to 100 songs. though thats nothing compared to the amount people share on kazzaa... they can be traced easily to my ISP acount so.... good point.

and about the music at starbucks.... when i went, i couldnt even hear their music.. what with the kids screaming and people talking. hence the iPod.

restless angel - luckily for me, this teacher understands that some people just dont test well... and thus our grades dont rely so heavily on test scores... not that it was a problem cuz last semester, her essay tests were SO easy. but in general, its a very interesting class.

Sat Nov 20, 10:56:00 AM 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shake your groove thing!

Sun Nov 21, 09:24:00 PM 2004  

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