Sunday, November 07, 2004

Dancing Days

where shall i begin?

lets go ahead and skip the part where i spent all of saturday morning stripping the van of everything of value that i wanted to keep (like the radio, speakers and hi performance air filter) and cut right to the part with me driving away with my sights set on The City. i was a little saddened by the fact that i was making the trip alone... but i got over it. first stop was Nathan's house for some casual hanging out. he and Ken were engaged in a rousing game of MVP 2004 which i sat in on. Ken won. after that was a bunch of rounds of mariokart for all four of us to play (Crystal was there too). anyways, after a bunch of that we movd on to Super Smash Brothers (Crystal sat out on that) and we played that for a while before deciding to head to Fudrucker's for some grub.

Luckily for us we got there early because the line of people was 3/4 of the way to the door. Arash was supposed to meet us there at the restaurant but he (and his brother??) were running late. which was good cuz i hadnt bought a ticket for a brother (he wasnt technically invited and Arash technically didnt ask if he could come) but i had no problem with him being there.... we just had to get him a ticket. so ken went and did that while nathan and i stood in line and Crystal reserved tables. all went relatively smoothly once the four of us had sat down to eat and Arash and Ashkan had arrived and been informed of the concept of standing in line..... and then Nathan had some "milk shake" (see moblog) and Crystal went to join Nathan's sister who was already waiting in line (this was almost an hour prior to the movies scheduled start.. and already there was quite a line.)

oh yeah, we were going to see the Incredibles. for more on that, see either Ken, Nathan or Crystal's blog, should they choose to write about the film; or stay tuned to mine if they choose not to. anyways, after Arash and Ashkan polished off their salads we decided to join the rest of the group in line at the theater. and my god was there a long line. luckily we a fairly descent spot in said line. we stood out in the hall for a good 20-30 minutes just talking about whatever.... explaining binary and the like. we finally got into the (air conditioned) theater and got fairly descent seats (pretty much an entire row for what i think was a party of 11). the movie was excellent. after it was over i checked my phone to find that i had a voice mail. it was rene. she called sometime during the course of the movie and left me a message saying that she couldnt make it to do anything after the movie becasue she had to be home early for some reason. DAMNIT. i was pretty bummed about that. so anyways we left and set out for Nathans house for a bit of after movie goodness.

little did i know that i had been ninja'd. Ken decided to go with Arash and his brother to Nathans house while Nathan and Crystal went with me. we parked in the same area on nathans street and walked down together to his house. Ken got a phone call just as we reached the house. i thought nothing of it. we all began settling in when Ken came up the stairs announcing the "call girl," as he put it. as it turns out, it was Rene. the bitch lied to me! very clever, i must admit. since that voice mail was pretty much the deciding factor in going back to nathans house for a while, since i had actually planned to meet with her elsewhere so that she didnt have to drive all the way to Nathan's. that was pretty special since she and I had already gone through about 5-6 changes in plan involving whether or not she could make it or not. but they had something more special planned: a cake. sorta.... it was a cookie. a giant pizza sized cookie. a giant pizza sized chocolate chip cookie that read "Happy 10100th Birthday Thomas." how awesome is that? i dont like cake, so they got me a cake sized cookie. and had my age written out in binary. (i happened to be wearing my binary tshirt that day, which is what got Arash started in explaining the finer points of the binary system to his brother outside the theater. how perfect was that!?!?)

anyways, after several hours of sitting around nathan's dining room reminiscing about all kinds of good times (and i mean ALL KINDS.... dont ask) i cant even comprehend how we got onto certain subjects.... and that was all under the influence of Milk and Cookies. and no, thats not a euphamism... we were literally just guiddy with milk and cookies. at that point i was somewhat glad Melissa decided not to join us, as she would have forced me to miss out on alot of random insanity, not to mention we were disturbing the hell out of Arash and Rene... and they know you people... imagine what you people would have done to an innocent stranger!!!!.... we were finally kicked out by nathan's mom around 12:45. hehehe... woops, sorry bout that man.... but thems were some good times right there... so that was about the time that we (Ken, Arash, Ashkan, Rene and I) departed to go off on our seperate ways to go home. parting was such sweet sorrow. (Nathan, you missed Ken driving halfway up your street with Arash on the hood of his car.... wow.) the only time i really missed having Melissa there was the trip back home... i could have really used someone to keep me company on that long, dark, lonely, quiet trip back to Petaluma.

anyways, time to wrap up this novel with some than-yous. first, thanks to Nathan for hosting this whole thing. he pretty much orchestrated the whole thing, from what i understand, per his request. he likes to be in charge. just ask ken. also, thanks to crystal for getting me the awesome cake...err....cookie. thanks to Rene (eventhough she will NEVER read this) for lying to me about getting together.... you really made me sad.... but it was that much more awesome when you showed up anyways. thanks to Arash for explaining binary to your brother so he understood the cake. thanks to Ashkan for.... understanding you brother's complicated teaching technique (neither of them will prolly ever read this either...). thanks ken for being.... Ken and finding some way to take every subject that ever came up and twisting it in such a way that only you can to make it sick and disturbing. and hell, i'll even thank Melissa for skipping out and making those priceless hours of random insanity possible, cuz frankly, she doesnt read this thing either!!! oh and.... while i'm at it i'll go ahead and thank carinne for helping me come up with the phrase "skipped out" which evaded me so. dunno if she reads this anymore.... did i gorget anything? *head explodes*


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sun Nov 07, 11:16:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Restless Angel said...

I don't think I've ever commented here before, but Happy Birthday.... now, I have to catch up further because I haven't read your blog in a while!

Mon Nov 08, 01:18:00 PM 2004  
Blogger mB said...

Glad you liked. ^_^ Though you probably need to be thankful to yourself too. I don't think any of this would have happened if you hadn't said you wanted to do anything in the first place. Or that's what I gather anyway. :)

Tue Nov 09, 12:39:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Nathan said...

Ken's idea on the whole Rene after the movie thing. OR whatever. msyesyd, it was all good times.

Tue Nov 09, 02:28:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

sorry i havent responded to you guys.... ive been somewhat bust.. i just wrote a 1000 word essay. i literally just finished. i am dead tired. anyways...

lacey - love you too, thanks again. awesome dinner firday night btw, for those of you who dont know. i forgot to mention thatm but i think nathan and crystal knewo first hand.. so to speak.

restless angel - thanks for commenting, feel free to stick around, i'll check out your blog tomorow or the day after. i promise. but now, i must sleep.

comarose - hmm.. guess now i'll have to check your out too. all these random online clickers. awesome stuff. and yes, i get wordy. much to nathan's dismay.. speaking of which.

nathan - well... fine. thanks ken for ninja-ing rene into the evening, that was pretty cool. but you did take it upon yourself to work out a bunch of other stuf... you were pretty on top of things, except for that one time... when ken was on top. :-) anyways, also, i forgot to thank you guys for the mouse, which i love, and the game which i know i will.... when it arrives. and now. to pass out. XP

Tue Nov 09, 03:19:00 AM 2004  

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