Monday, October 18, 2004

Shine On You Crazy Diamond

today i ate well. more on that later.

this weekend has been... well.... different. for one i actually sat down and wrote this freakin biology paper that i have been putting off for weeks now. naturally its due monday. i have it finished, ive been mostly polishing it off today. i did the bulk of the writing friday and saturday. its basically about how fortunate we are (those of us who live in the US) because we are able to literally waste tons (literally tons) of resources. i went to this site to figure out my biological footprint. basically the number of acres it takes to support me. and according to its calculations, i require 15 acres of earth to support my lifestyle. the average american requires 24 acres. there are 4.5 acres of available land for each person on earth. that was a disturbing figure. but it gets better. the site then calculates how many EARTHS it would take to sustain earth's population if everyone lived as i did. it would take about 3 and a half. yikes. and to think that if the whole world lived like the average american, we would need 6 earths. 6 earths. no wonder we are hated the world over. even i hate us. we suck. anyways, i went on to talk about how i could improve my footprint and stuff. basically eating food from nearby or garden, driving a car that gets better mileage, stuff like that. anyways, i think i can honestly say i can improve myself. everyone should take that quiz just for shits-n-giggles to see how bad they are. or good? who knows....

anyways, after that, i went to the EPA website to see how many greenhouse gasses my household is pumping into the atmosphere. in this case we are pretty good, producing about 10,000 lbs. less than the average american family of 2. i guess all those double pain windows, energy star appliances, and fluorescent light bulbs really do work. so... at least i can sleep at night knowing i am saving energy. i highly recomend you people do the same. NOW. we only have one earth.

ok, enough of that. onto the party. well... sorta. today, after some final touches on the essay, we came down into the city. i scouted out Fudruckers for my birthday thing as i had never eaten there and i wanted some experience as to what it is like. pretty cool stuff. i love the unlimited toppings and the self serve-ness of it. definitely know what not to do next time.... i.e. put assloads of mustard, mayo, ketchup, barbeque sauce. makes one helluva mess.

anyways, after that we had dinner at the clement street bar and grill for my grandpas birthday (pics at moblog) he turned 85 a few days ago. and going strong. he puts me to shame physically, as he walks just about everywhere he goes and he does yard work like one wouldnt believe. he has a huge garden at home and is always willing to help out when he visits. so, happy birthday to him. and many more. the other awesome thing about him, is he has a ridiculous memory. he can remember SO many stories from childhood. just today he was telling my siblings and i a story about riding a young bull at about age 14 and how he was suposed to look down and keep an eye on the bull's head to anticipate its movements (this came up when i was telling my sister how to try and avoid car sickness by anticipating the course of the car). he also had a bunch of mexican proverbs which he told my mom at dinner time and she wrote down on a place mat. i think i'll blog those later.

just spent the last 4 or so hours writing this post and helping my friend with her bio paper. three cheers for procrastination. i gotta get some sleep....

[update] new pics at photoblo and, as always, moblog.[/update]


Blogger Alana Jane said...

Happy birthday to Thomas' grandaddy ! ;)

Mon Oct 18, 05:03:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

you just had to go there didnt you?

Tue Oct 19, 12:19:00 PM 2004  

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