the trip down was relatively enjoyable. i had the PS2 fired up and we were watchi movies and playin games pretty much all the way down. first my bro and sis saw Pirates of the Carribean. when that was over the PS2 went off and people started falling asleep. i then fired it up and started playing some of the games i brought. i rented Secret Weapons over Normandy, Spawn: Armagedon, and Prince of Persia. i had played SWoN before we left hime so i decided to try out Spawn. It was ok. the controls were a bit numb and the graphics good. but it was rather boring and the numb controls and boring stroy led to an overall un-enjoyable experience. my sis woke up and wated to try Prince of Persia. i watched her play and became interested. the story seemed interesting and the game play smooth. i gave a whirl and it was awsome. the controls were sharp and the battle system (wich sucked in Spawn) was seemless. plus the whole rewinding, slowing, stopping and otherwise warping time is just plain cool.
the best thing about bringing down my PS2 is that it gave me my bro and sis something to do when things around my uncles house down here in the sprawling metropolis of bakersfield slowed down to a comatose pace and there was nothing to do. the first night down here in bakersfield is usually reserved for hellos and long-time-no-sees, and today was no exceptioon. eventhough its been only a couple or weeks sonce we did last "see" eachother.
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