family's in town for the summer's last "hurrah" or whatever. yesterday it was nothing new.. just hung out and went downtown for a thing er two. today... we planned an excursion into mendocino for some.. i dunno what. we started off at the botanical gardens which we decided not to actually enter because it was gonna xost like $7.50 per person... which is ridiculous because all we're gonna do is look at plants. next we headed for the lighthhouse which suckled since (long story:) we decided to drive my grandma and grandpa down to where only handicap parking spaces were.. but someone had to drive the van back to where the normal spaces are (about a half mile) so my dad volunteered, and he took the cell phone so that we could summon him with my aunt's cell phone. once he took off we met up with those from our party who were up ahead... only to find out that my aunt had left her cell phone in the van. beautiful. so my bro and i hiked back up to where the van was parked only to find out my dad was on his way down because he realized my aunt had left her phone..... AAAHHHH!!!!!! after that we headed into downtown mendocino to walk around a bit... look ay shops and the like. well.... after a few people got seperated.. i was chosen to round up the straggelers. once i got everyone together.... they decided to walk back to where we were... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (theres more) they continued around a few blocks in search of a place to get some tea and such... but my dad and sis went ahead to a place he knew of while the others stayed back and window shopped.. my bro and i attempted to catch up with them but reached the shop just as they were leaving... with tea and coffee for the others. after wal;king pretty much around 4 blocks worth of downtown menducino we returned to the van to find my grandpa.. he said the others were headed to the coffee shop. we got in and drove over in hopes of stopping them.. but alas we were too late as they had already bought another tea.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone shoot me.from there we basicly headed home... which was about 1 hour and a half of picturesque tree covered mountain roads and another hour and a half of open road highway. we stopped on the way to stuff our faces at Outback.
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
Rescently Played
- wow... havent updated in a while.. been EXTREMELY ...
- and now for the afore mentioned party. tommorow (w...
- boy have i been busy. last i posted, i had come ba...
- well since going down to the city on friday.. we d...
- have you ever been on the freeway, goin like 70-75...
- just 8 more minutes!!! and im outa here!!! woohoo!...
- ok.. here i am at work... and i am kinda bored.. o...
- tuesday i yet again expanded my job description wh...
- lets see.. what has happened since wednesday??? um...
- as for today... we had a minor catastrophe. well.....
Look Out Your window
![]() moon phase |
sea no evil. here no evil. bee no evil.
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