Thursday, August 28, 2003

wow... havent updated in a while.. been EXTREMELY busy. first off.... the party. went well.. except we over estimated on the foods a bit and ended up with an extra meat and cheese apetizer tray, as well as several racks of ribs and chicken leg wuarters.. all already cooked and barbequed. this may sound like a good thing.. but after a huge party in which the main course is barbeque chicken and ribs.... barbeque chicken and ribs doesnt seem so apetizing the third straight day of having it for dinner. (and lunch in some cases). we surprised my dad pretty well.... tho my uncle joe decided he had to stall him an additional 3 minutes talking with him in the front yard before he came in. that was interesting... 60 people hudled into a small space in anticipation of my dad walking in... and my uncle joe is standing around with him outside discussing plumbing... i duno. the preperation was by far the most stressfull part.. once the party was in full swing.. it pretty much ran itself.

anyways... the weekend following this huge event... i started school... talkabout change of mood. so.. i'm taking Political Science.. which is more interesting than i anticipated since we are discussing alot of current events and tieing them into our scheduled topics and what not. i'm also continuing my math studies... i am now in.. oh what the hell is it called???? i cant think of its official name.. but its basicly a "survey course" which means that it doesnt cover anything in depth.. its more of a scratching of the proverbial surface so to say. its not review since its new stuff... but its not terribvly deep either... just kind of a taste of all sorts of things. im taking it with the same teacher as last year.. which means no daily HW unless i want to... awsome. next is geography... which i'm taking at night so its kind of a drag.. but luckily the teacher is really umm.... cafeinated i guess.. either way she's very sarcastic and funny. it'll keep me awake no doubt. on the other hand i am also taking an evening photoshop class... which sounds interesting.. till i realized its in a normal classroom... so i have to follow the teacher's cursor and stuff and have to wait till i get home to actually do it myself. that sucks. i should get a laptop. anyways.. thats my schedule. i have almost completed my second week.. looks to have potential as an enjoyable semester.. i just gotta figure out when i'm gonna do HW... since i am still working. so... here we go. i go to school mondat through thursday from 10:30-12:00 i then work everyday from 2:00 - 5:00 (give er take) and then go back to school on tuesdays and wednesdays from 7:00-100:00pm. any sugestions?


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