Sunday, May 18, 2003

guess what i just saw yesterday? give up? The Matrix: Reloaded.... MWAHAHAHAHA!!! aren't i cool! not really.... i got there super early for nuthin, i was the first person into the theater and only about 20 people showed up for that particular screening. im such a loser. o well. me and one other guy were the only ones smart enough to stay past the credits to see the exclusive Matrix: Revolutions trailor. HAH! so there! anyways, i also bought the new Matrix game Enter the Matrix. i actually bought it a couple days before the release date.... you know, to reserve it, just in case. i picked it up wednesday, but i dodnt start playing it till after i saw the movie. its awsome. the graphics could be a little better, i guess, but theyre smooth. the camera gets in the way a couple of times... but that is the bane of almost all 3rd person type games. the game play is great and the bullit time-like "Focus" mode is really cool. as a matter of fact, i think i'll go and play it now. ttyl.


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