guess what i just saw yesterday? give up? The Matrix: Reloaded.... MWAHAHAHAHA!!! aren't i cool! not really.... i got there super early for nuthin, i was the first person into the theater and only about 20 people showed up for that particular screening. im such a loser. o well. me and one other guy were the only ones smart enough to stay past the credits to see the exclusive Matrix: Revolutions trailor. HAH! so there! anyways, i also bought the new Matrix game Enter the Matrix. i actually bought it a couple days before the release date.... you know, to reserve it, just in case. i picked it up wednesday, but i dodnt start playing it till after i saw the movie. its awsome. the graphics could be a little better, i guess, but theyre smooth. the camera gets in the way a couple of times... but that is the bane of almost all 3rd person type games. the game play is great and the bullit time-like "Focus" mode is really cool. as a matter of fact, i think i'll go and play it now. ttyl.
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
Rescently Played
- its that time again boys and girls! anyways, i jus...
- time for my every-other-week-ly blog update. sorry...
- well, in case you care, i've gotten my replacement...
- oh yah.. thye other reason i havent blogged in a w...
- havent blogged in a while... and for good reason. ...
- well... i first tried jacking gnomes entire blog.....
- what the hell is going on?!?!
- havent blogged in a while so whatthehell why not n...
- oh yeah, i didn have something relavent to say.......
- well.... nuthin really new and exciting to report ...
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sea no evil. here no evil. bee no evil.
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