well, in case you care, i've gotten my replacement keyboard... i've had it for a while now. so.... i should have updated, but unfortunaely, nothing interesting has happened, til this last weekend when my dad and my brother and i went to sacramento... just for the hell of it. we figured we haddent gone on a trip type thing in a while, and my dad had taken the friday off cuz of a doctor's apointment so we said what the hell, might as well. also, i figured i'd kill another school assignment in the process, so we visited Sutter's mill and the site at which gold was discovered. believe it or not, there is still quite a bit of gold still there, only gold isnt worth enought to take the time to combine all the microscopic particles and melt them together. i myself collected a few pieces... no larger then a.... i dunno, sumthin really small... i got nuthin. actually, they are about the size of confeti or something. nothing exceptional, but its gold nonetheless. also we visited a local car museum.... lets just say that it was just SLIGHTLY biased towards Ford... about 80% of the cars on display were Fords, and thats not counting the Mercuries or Lincolns which are basicly Fords too. so yeah, it was an OK car museaum, they had a few descent cars, but for someone who isnt a big fan of Fords... it got a little repetitive. (i learned later that it used to be an exclusively Ford Museum) moving on.... our first night there, we drove by the local minor league baseball stadium and asked if the Sacramento Rivercats were playing that night... they were, at 7:05, so we figured we ought to go. other than the fact i was freezing my (insert your favorite obscene body part(s) here) off, the game was more or less enjoyable. we didnt stick around to see the end because we losing feeling in our extremities and begining to feel the first signs of hypothermia. the hotel (i'm sorry, motel) we stayed at was a dump.... so after one night, we moved on to another town and stayed at this kik ass HOTEL where we got free breakfast (and i dont mean a pastry and a cup of coffee) i had an omlet, it was good... it sure beat the apple danish from the day before. anyways, that was last weekend, as for this week... school... need i say more? this weekend... nothin Rash first planned to have his B-Day LAN party this weekend, but due to reasons beyonf our control, he had to postpone to the following weekend. ill check in then :-)
Thursday, April 10, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
Rescently Played
- oh yah.. thye other reason i havent blogged in a w...
- havent blogged in a while... and for good reason. ...
- well... i first tried jacking gnomes entire blog.....
- what the hell is going on?!?!
- havent blogged in a while so whatthehell why not n...
- oh yeah, i didn have something relavent to say.......
- well.... nuthin really new and exciting to report ...
- well, we finally did it, i brought home the truck....
- in case you care im all better now... completely d...
- i feel even worse. my small cold with fatigue has ...
Look Out Your window
![]() moon phase |
sea no evil. here no evil. bee no evil.
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