time for my every-other-week-ly blog update. sorry... its spring break and im to bored to have time to do anything. (i know that doesnt make sense... but its true) last weekend was fun. got together in the city at rash's house for a lan party. KGB and gnome were there, along with Rash's bro of course. it was bring-your-own-computer so it was nice to have my comp and monitor with me... comfortable and stuff. we tried desperately to find some good games that we cpuld all play... but couldnt really find one. the closest we got was Birth of the Federation, a turn based star trek game that i really got into. problem was... the game died after like 10 turns... and continued to do so. next. we figured an FPS would be a good stand-by.. the obvious choice was unreal tounament, but for some weird reason we couldnt gewt it to run at all on KGB;s comp. and Ash was doing sumthin for Gnome to free up some space on his comp... so it was just me, Rash, and Gnome playin for a while. after that got old, we started searching again. we threw around a few ideas.. like star craft and war craft.. but Rash wasnt in the RTS mood. finally Rash had an idea.... No One Lives Forever, the spoofy james bond/austin powers shooter, has a co-op multi player mode. unfortunately the co op mode only has suport for 4 players.. one short of our party so ash had to play this ridiculous game in which u try diferebt ways of knocking a stick figure down a flight of stairs and try and cause the most amount of damage to his body. its REALLY stupid.. but strangely adictive. the sound effects and animations are pretty hilarious.in the randomly timed words of KGB... good times.
Friday, April 25, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
Rescently Played
- well, in case you care, i've gotten my replacement...
- oh yah.. thye other reason i havent blogged in a w...
- havent blogged in a while... and for good reason. ...
- well... i first tried jacking gnomes entire blog.....
- what the hell is going on?!?!
- havent blogged in a while so whatthehell why not n...
- oh yeah, i didn have something relavent to say.......
- well.... nuthin really new and exciting to report ...
- well, we finally did it, i brought home the truck....
- in case you care im all better now... completely d...
Look Out Your window
![]() moon phase |
sea no evil. here no evil. bee no evil.
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