Friday, February 07, 2003

Nuthin more to report except maybe a few lil things.My math teacher has somewhat redeemed himself for being unfair earlier by giving me a second chance to take my missing takehome test... unfortunately while he was telling me what id be able to do.. i could not for the life of me find the test that i had indeed done, but not turned in. (i later found it in my backpack where i was sure i looked...) so i made that bastard up (unfortunately i had to take a whole new test..) also, my history teacher has revealed to me that i am missing assignments that i had not known i had to do... the schedule of due dates lists asignments numericly.. i assumed they pertained to the chapters in the book... they didnt, they pertain to another list she gave on the first day with our sylabus... i.e. assignment 1 is not the first chapter in the book (which for some reason is chapter 15) it is chaoetr 15 AND 17... and assignment 2 is chapter 16 and 18.... so.. i have so far turned in an incomplete ch. 15 and a complete chapeter 16... less than 1/2 of what i should have. damn confusing assignments. in other news.. i used 4th gear for the first time in my truck. that would normally not be significant.. unless u know that my truck is not highway worthy (blown rear diferential) so that means i was on a city street :-) yup. i had to pass an asshole going to slow soon enough to get in front of him to make a right turn at the intersection ahead. (at one point i hit 55mph :-)


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