Nuthin more to report except maybe a few lil things.My math teacher has somewhat redeemed himself for being unfair earlier by giving me a second chance to take my missing takehome test... unfortunately while he was telling me what id be able to do.. i could not for the life of me find the test that i had indeed done, but not turned in. (i later found it in my backpack where i was sure i looked...) so i made that bastard up (unfortunately i had to take a whole new test..) also, my history teacher has revealed to me that i am missing assignments that i had not known i had to do... the schedule of due dates lists asignments numericly.. i assumed they pertained to the chapters in the book... they didnt, they pertain to another list she gave on the first day with our sylabus... i.e. assignment 1 is not the first chapter in the book (which for some reason is chapter 15) it is chaoetr 15 AND 17... and assignment 2 is chapter 16 and 18.... so.. i have so far turned in an incomplete ch. 15 and a complete chapeter 16... less than 1/2 of what i should have. damn confusing assignments. in other news.. i used 4th gear for the first time in my truck. that would normally not be significant.. unless u know that my truck is not highway worthy (blown rear diferential) so that means i was on a city street :-) yup. i had to pass an asshole going to slow soon enough to get in front of him to make a right turn at the intersection ahead. (at one point i hit 55mph :-)
Friday, February 07, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
Rescently Played
- today, at my cousins house i was reminded of somet...
- well school is going.. ok i guess... but i must sa...
- i was right... eventhouh their team lost.... sever...
- finally.... a weekend worth noting. and no im not ...
- time for my monthly check in... sorry, i've been b...
- well.. aparently i got nuthin, how apropriate. cuz...
- happy friggin new years you may notice that i hav...
- boy, i have some catching up to do..... i appologi...
- :-( why wont it work!??!?! gnome... what have i do...
Look Out Your window
![]() moon phase |
sea no evil. here no evil. bee no evil.
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