well school is going.. ok i guess... but i must say, my math teacher pissed me off yesterday. it all started last tuesday (que flashback music and pan up to the sky/ceiling) after every chapter, my teacher gives a take home test that counts for 1/2 of the total test grade.. as he will suply the other half of the test on the tuesday it is due.. and we are to turn them in both all at once. last tuesday i was to turn in my first take home test... and eventhough i finished it, i must have stuck it into the wrong book cuz when i got to school, i couldnt find it. anyways, after the in class test, when i didnt turn in my take home test my teacher asked me "wait, where is your take home test" astonished at the way he yelled that out to me while the room was silent with test takers who hadnt finished yet, i answered "i must have left it at home" he responded with a head shaking "ok." i felt terrible, should i go back in and ask if i could go home and bring it right back??? but based on hir reaction when i gave my excuse, i figured i would just let it go and except the consequenses. now.... fastforward to this tuesday, the day our SECOND take home test was due and the day we were to take our second in class test. somwhere near the end of class, when people were wrapping up their test and turning them it, one guy turned in only his in class test. sitting in the front row i heard the teacher whisper to him "wheres your other test" "i fogot it" he responded... "brng it in thursday ok? thursday." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!?!??! i would have brought it in the SAME FRIGGIN DAY!!!!!!! and he lets this guy wait till thursday!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! i sat for a secod or two in awe with my mouth open as i couldnt believe what i had heard. i was livid. i turned in my tests.. and left the room. asshole.
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Now Playing
Space Cowboy
Touch of Grey
Losing My Religion
Light My Fire
Miss You
The Sound of Silence
Nothing Else Matters
Strange Brew
Yet Another Movie
Angel of Harlem
Evil Ways
Brain Damage
Purple Haze
Seeing Things
Going to California
Broken Records
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