Wednesday, February 26, 2003

in case you care im all better now... completely dexvoid of anything resembling a cough. anyways... where did i leave off. o, yah, ok. wll this past weekend.. saturday to be exact.. my family and i went down to the city to once and for all pick up my truck and bring it home. all went well until we got there. the first thing my dad noticed was the lack of left side view mirror. as you may know... it is required by law that u have a left side view mirror and at least one other mirror (right side view or rear view) so we had to find a way to attach the bloody thing. in theory it is suposed to attach to the pinon the door hinge... but try as we mite, we couldnt get the damn thing to move, so.... we driled the hinge, screwed in some screws, cut off the heads and welded them in place then we drilled some other holes in the mirror fixture, and got some nuts and bolted it on that way. obce that was over with we were pretty musch good to go. so our first stop was to the gas station, where we had a considerable amount of trouble tryin to get the damn truck up the slanted driveway of the gas station. once that was done, we took the truck onto the freeway for a breif sprint to the next exit where we would take the streets to the golden gate bridge. unfortunately, just after we got off the freeway and after we made our way to an underpass that would take us to 19th avenue... the truck started to crap out.... after several occasions of complete powerloss and few times when the truch just plain died we decided we should head back to Joe's house (Joe was my neighbor when i lived in Daly City) so yeah, on our way back to his house, the truck stalled like hell and gave nearly no power at all. we were able to coast into a bust stop... where we ended up parked for quite a while. after pushing the truck back to let buses stop there, we called Joe to come and help us out. after arriving we figured the problem was the coil... since the distributor wasnt getting any electricity. so i went with Joe to the auto parts store to get a replacement. after replacing it, the engine still wasnt starting... tho we did solve the problem of the lack of spark. so we started taking stuff apart, after taking the top half of the carboretor off we noticed some weird guey blue strips of... what seemed to be silicone (dont go there..) it was probably some of that sealant crap that is put on a gasket to be sure it makes a perfect seal. after clearing that crap out and putting everything back together, we tryed to start it again... it didnt, so we switched the battery thinking that with all the time we tryed to get it started we killed the battery. after putting in the spare, we found that the spare had less power than the original... go figure. once we got the first onme back in, and it still wouldnt start we went to our last resort and called AAA to either jump start us or get us towed (to petaluma... hehehe) i was hoping it woulndt start and we could get it home without actually having to drive it. unforyunately he did indeed get it started and my dad just drove it back to joes house.. wich may have been better since Joe found several other things wrong with it. we'll try again this weekend.
In Other News

after our failed attempts at bringing home the truck we called a night and decided to come home, but while eating dinner at burger king my aunt started talking about the good deal that the local VW dealership was having, she's been wanting to get a new car for months.. maybe even years, i dunno. so we went to see what they had. after test driving an awsome VR6 GLi, she test drove a 1.8t with the tiptronic.. which was sorta cool, but she wanted a stick. so after some hrd bargaining (all she did was ask for some time to think about it, whip out her cellphone and call my dad... and the salesman just kept poking his head in and lowering the price).. it started at 26,500... and we "worked" him down to 23, 800.... o well. so she bought it and i drove her old car (an 87 honda prelude) home. ok.. thats all for now.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

i feel even worse. my small cold with fatigue has become a hakking weasing asthmatic flu. fun. and as it happens, it occurs after a 5 day weekend. damn. i dont wanna spread this thing throughout my skool, but i dont wanna miss skool (did i just say that????) o well. we'll see how im doin tomorow morning. anyways. this past weekend was relaticely enjoyable, got to visit with my extended family, which at times did get a lil ... tolerable at best, but all in all, i had fun visiting and such. where did i leave off? ah yes. well, after the hike thing, we planned to meat up again with those who were still in town at a local book store, where we like to hang out and have coffe and stuff, its almost tradition... unfortunately, early the next morning, we et a call that those who were in town from so cal were already on the road, they said they wanted to avoid rainfall.... truth is, it didnt rain a drop, they probably actually drove INTO the rain. o well. well, then we decided to take those who still were up in our area (rom the city... so they had less of a drive) to the luther burbank home and garden. in the morning i had woken up feeling even worse than before. my nose was dripping like a faucet, so i took some anti histemines (however its spelled) big mistake! where i had take one the night before in vein, i decided to take 2 in the morning as to overcome my alergies... itr worked, to some extent. but what really happened as i got dead sleepy and almost fell asleep at the Luther Burbank gardenthing on a bench (i am not one to just want to go to a garden, but it was on a list of historical sites to visit for my history class... as was Pt. Reyes for that matter) so, on our way back, we decided to hit yet another spot on the list of hisrtorical sites, this time a Bar/Restaurant/Inn type place somewhere between Petaluma and Santa Rosa. Its called the Washoe House, and it has stood since 1859 (thats right, 18!!!) aperantly, a malitia of Petaluma Southerners and Santa Rosa Northerners were to meet on the field of battle (during the civil war) but instead decidd first to have a drink... needless to say, not a gun was fired. thats its claim to fame... but its bufalo wings are a close second :-) anyways, what was really weird were the dollar bills pinned to the ceiling. yes, aperently there was a custom there to leave some form of identification, and a one dollar bill and pin them to the ceiling. some of the bills were indeed quite old.. as were some of the IDs and business cards..... and there were literally thousands of them pinned to the ceiling of both the Bar and Restaurant areas. it was quite a site. anyways. now i find myself here, at the computer waiting for someone to talk to cuz i feel like crap and ... yah. uggghhhh..... not good. i guess i better just try and get some sleep. i hope i feel better tomorow.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

i feel like the gum on a large mans shoe..... squished and smothered with every step i take. i have a head cold thing. its mostly alergies, but the point is my nose just keeps runnong. aside from that, its late, its been a long day and im really high off caffine. so my body is ready to slip into a coma... but my brain is pretty active and my eyes are stuck open. (so if there are any typos, you know why) anyways. its been a rather long weekend type thing. it started well enuff, my school had wednesday and thursday off for teacher meeting things (and as usual... no skool on friday) so i was mostly just chillin and prepairing for the onslaught of family this weekend. on friday a bunch of family came up from so cal (southern california for those of you who... dont know!) so yah. the plan was to surprise my aunt (who lives up here in nor cal... if u cant figure out what that means then.... its northern california :-) anyways. yah, the polan was for her tyo come to my house and for everyone to surprise what happened was all these people came over to my house saturday morning and parked around the corner in the high school parking lot. when she arrived... everyone rushed into my mom and dad's room while i helped bring in her stuff. once she was inside we imediately took her to the family room so she could see our brand-spankin-new couch. once there, my cousin, we'll car her smurf, went "to the bathroom" but what she really did was alert the rest of the family to come and sneak into the family room. we sat my aunt on the couch with her back to the entrance, upon seeing people arive, i casually reached for the video camera that i had ready and my dad quikly made a selection on his jukebox (happy birthday) as the music started, some of the people who snuck in began to sing. not being the most observant person in the world, it took her a while to realize "happy birthday" was being played, and even longer to realize people had joined in... and still longer to realize that there were ALOT more voices than were in the room. finally she turned around and saw about 20 people who werent there before grinning and singing. it was pretty cool. so yah, since then, its been nuthin but fun... sorta. well lets just say there hasnt been a whol lotta work. weve been hangin out and talking and stuff. today we drove top Point Reyes.. which was pretty cool, cuz we actually got outside and breathed fresh ait and got some excersize. but im still kinda sick. tomorow looks promising tho. at least tomorow morning. it really sucks after everyone leaves, cuz thats when u realize what stuff has to be done... like homework and chores and stuff. until then, party!

Friday, February 07, 2003

Nuthin more to report except maybe a few lil things.My math teacher has somewhat redeemed himself for being unfair earlier by giving me a second chance to take my missing takehome test... unfortunately while he was telling me what id be able to do.. i could not for the life of me find the test that i had indeed done, but not turned in. (i later found it in my backpack where i was sure i looked...) so i made that bastard up (unfortunately i had to take a whole new test..) also, my history teacher has revealed to me that i am missing assignments that i had not known i had to do... the schedule of due dates lists asignments numericly.. i assumed they pertained to the chapters in the book... they didnt, they pertain to another list she gave on the first day with our sylabus... i.e. assignment 1 is not the first chapter in the book (which for some reason is chapter 15) it is chaoetr 15 AND 17... and assignment 2 is chapter 16 and 18.... so.. i have so far turned in an incomplete ch. 15 and a complete chapeter 16... less than 1/2 of what i should have. damn confusing assignments. in other news.. i used 4th gear for the first time in my truck. that would normally not be significant.. unless u know that my truck is not highway worthy (blown rear diferential) so that means i was on a city street :-) yup. i had to pass an asshole going to slow soon enough to get in front of him to make a right turn at the intersection ahead. (at one point i hit 55mph :-)

Monday, February 03, 2003

I CAN NOT BELIEVE HOW STUPID SOME PEOPLE ARE!!!!!! Can you believe that some people are sugesting that the Colombia tragedy was the work of our very own government in order to justify a war with iraq???? WTF!??!?! Are they sugesting that we have sabotaged our our own spacechuttle and astronauts in order to help start a war?!?!?!? Our government5 has issues, no doubt, but not even our president would do something that dispicable in order to help attract sympothisers for his pending war. IM SO PISSED AT PEOPLE"S STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE THAT I'M NOT GONNA TALK ANYMORE. LATER.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

today, at my cousins house i was reminded of something from my childhood.... those long stemmed yellow "flowers" that grow with those patches of clover shaped weeds.... you know, the ones we all used to chew on cuz they were all weird and sour.... c;mon, you know the ones (and if u say you don't... your're lyin to both of us.anyways, as my cousin was pikin some and handing them to my sister, she brought up a point that was revealed to me long ago..... and that was that those flowers were sour because they were urinated on by dogs... i laughed. my cousin wasn't seriouse, she was just pointing out the humor of the statement, and i really had not put any thought into it... till just then anyway. if you think about it, the person who started that "rumor" either really hated sour stuff, or had indeed tasted dog urine and made the comparison that was to forever change the diet of second graders at recess, or is just stupid pruck that thought it would be funny to say. either way, if it were the second, it would be funny, cuz then that would mean that the flowers are indeed the urinal of choice for dogs across the country, and that no flower goes un pissed, and that all this time weve been been tasting dog piss when eating these flowers, and best of all that the bastard who started it all did indeed taste dog piss in order to make the comparison. ewwww. on that note, i bid you adĂș... errr however its spelled. damn italians. j/k