Thursday, November 28, 2002

:-( why wont it work!??!?! gnome... what have i done wrong.... i almost copied your example to the.... i dunno... sumething thats really accurate.... and it still won't work.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002


[11/12/2002 10:54:24 AM | thomas perez]
well.... im having a fantastic day. first i get up and realize i gotta work on song god damned english assignment in which i have to....ready?...write and essay about a painting done by an expresionist artist (in my case: Diego Rivera) and explain how it is expressionist and so on and so forth.... but wait, theres more! this must be accompanied by: 1. a sketch of the painting (keep in mind: Diego Rivera!!!!) and "notes" about it... joy 2. i have to "become the painting" and write a paragraph in the first person as if i were the painting. Fun. 3. Research thre [painting, painter, time period and background... you know the typical research paper. and finally... 4. write a paper about my research for paper #3... i know, weird. oh, and all of this is to be accompanied by a works cited page with "propper MLA citation." and this is all due thursday. and for math.... (yes, MATH AS WELL) i have the usual weekly assignment... due wednesday. and yet i find myself writing my blog... go figure.

in other news...

i was just talking to my friend... while i was typing the stuff 'bout my assignment and he has just informed me that i have no life... i am a loser... and i am a loner. well, gee thanks. that made me feel so much better. id rather not give his name because people might think he is an ass.... wait... everyone alredy knows that. in that case.. his name is: JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew.... glad i got that off my chest. i cant believe he has the nerve to tell me that... he who has no contact with his friends from San Jose and has lived i petaluma all his life save for a few years in San Jose.... and he tells me that he has more friends..... i didnt know that there was anyone was keeping score!!!!! is this posted on some web site!?!?!? is there a certain point when someone is no longer considered a loser or a loner?!?!? how many fiends does it take?!?!? cuz id sure like to know.... so that it will say "normal guy Thomas Perez" on the web site... cuz aperently it says "loser and loner Thomas Perez" does anyone know the URL?? i wanna see the rules. i wanna see the stats.... i wanna see what it says before James!!!!! geeez.i feel much better now. well.... i am gonna go down into the city... hopefully in a couple of weeks meet up with my ~FRIENDS~ and go to the car show and talk and hang out... and guess what.. JAMES WONT BE THERE! you know why... cuz he'll be at home shooting plastic pellets at the wall with his toy guns :-)

Saturday, November 23, 2002

great, now my archives and such has been moved WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?!?

WHAT THE ?!?!?!?! my blog turned into a grey page of code!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!

stupid damn thing. i changed the "my funny motto" thing and i pasted that code that gcnome gave me into the header... mayb i didnt do it in the right spot... cuz it didnt work. anyway. our anual visit to the SF International auto show has been postponed until the weekend after Thanksgiving.. due to several things. which reminds me; i goota look for a used car (truck) for my dad. so yah, ill check in later.

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

do you have to post everytime you make a change in order for the changes to take effect?!?!? geez!

Monday, November 18, 2002

I have all the god damn luck! i finally get my fricken license and the first day that i MAY be able to drive to school.... and we gotta take my dad's truck to the shop. so no ride on monday... big deal..... my dad then gets a call from the shop that what is wrong with the truck is not the wheel bearing, as we thought (which would be a pretty simple fix) but instead a blown rear differential... whish would cost us a whopping $1200... yer thats one thousand, two-hundred dollars. holy crap. thats more that half of what we paid for the damn bronco in the first place!!! and this coming just a week or so after we just put about $500 into a new fan clutch and water pump!!!!! and the taurus just had its transmission gasket replaced at the same time. so... to recap:
a couple of weeks ago both the taurus and the bronco go down with relatively minor problems. the taurus has a leaky tranny and the bronco sounds funny: wobblie fan = bad fan clutch, which in turn screwed up the water pump... a goon $700 right there.
2 weeks later both go down again, this time the Taurus looses its braking power do to a bad Master Cylinder wich we buy and i help replace, and again, at the same time, the bronco dies... only it has a blown differential. sop togather that will cost about $1265. we said screw the bronco, make funeral arrangements... that thing is gone. the taurus is now runnning fine. and does anyone see a parallel here??... is it any coincidense that they are both FORDS!?!?! i say no. so noe we need a new car (well used.. the way my dad drives...) anyone selling a car?!?! Rash WAS selling one of his benzez.... key word=WAS. i sure could use that thing now.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

well... today i took my driving test...

but first, before i get to that...

a couple weeks ago i was at a stop light in my car ('88 ford taurus... before they turned butt-ugly) and noticed that the brake pedal was slowly sinking... hmmmm not good. at first i wasnt sure if it was sinking or if it was just my imagination... until i realized my foot was all the way to the carpet (on the pedal). anyway, it did this off and on and i told my dad about it... he said to check the brake fluid. being a ford the brake fluid resevoir is NOT in a very strategic location, plus when i went to look at the fluid last (fiday) night it was dark (night - dark - duh) so i couldnt see if the fluid was at "max" or not. so i assumed it was low given its much decreased stopping ability (u pretty much had to floor the brakes before you came to a normal stop... unless you had about a 1/4 mile to run out the momentum. this was all happening the night before my test (my mom never bothered to tell me about the braks being SOOOOO bad till just then). so aaaanyway we get some brake fluid and i start to fill it up.. its got this valve thing that sorta makes the fluid build up on top before it seeps down into the resvoir... yah, well eventually it stopped seeping.... not good. oh well... at least its got enough fluid :-) i figured that after some driving and braking it would work its way into the system and improve the braking performance... needless to say it didnt. so here i am the eve before my driver's test with a car with the braking ability of a MUNI bus. so i was now pressed with a very tough decision: try driving the near brake-less Taurus while under the very watchfull eye of a driving instructor....or .... borrow my uncles Explo(d)er, he he, which i havent driven since february, for my driving test. eventually i decided to drive the explorer. problem is... the left brake light doesnt always work... and i know that they will check for that. figures, i have all the luck.

so i get to the DMV office and i have my mom tap the brake to see if it worked.. it did. so, yah.. i checked in and parked the truck in the port to rerady myself for the test... she checked the turn signals and everything.... then she had me hit the brakes.. i almost pissed my pants... but aparently itr worked. long story short: i only had 3 (minor) errors in driving (out of 15) and thus i passed. WOOHOO!!!! no more bus bs, no more waiting to get picked up.. no more, no more alot of stuff!!!!! yay!!!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

can someone please explain to my why the hell it says "my funny motto" under my blog's title?!?!?i didnt write that??? (eventhough it is my funny motto) that sounds stupid. how do i change it? and kgb.... how do i get a "recomended" links are, and gnome, how do i get shout out thing???? answer me please...

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

well.... im having a fantastic day. first i get up and realize i gotta work on song god damned english assignment in which i have to....ready?...write and essay about a painting done by an expresionist artist (in my case: Diego Rivera) and explain how it is expressionist and so on and so forth.... but wait, theres more! this must be accompanied by: 1. a sketch of the painting (keep in mind: Diego Rivera!!!!) and "notes" about it... joy 2. i have to "become the painting" and write a paragraph in the first person as if i were the painting. Fun. 3. Research thre [painting, painter, time period and background... you know the typical research paper. and finally... 4. write a paper about my research for paper #3... i know, weird. oh, and all of this is to be accompanied by a works cited page with "propper MLA citation." and this is all due thursday. and for math.... (yes, MATH AS WELL) i have the usual weekly assignment... due wednesday. and yet i find myself writing my blog... go figure.
in other news...

i was just talking to my friend... while i was typing the stuff 'bout my assignment and he has just informed me that i have no life... i am a loser... and i am a loner. well, gee thanks. that made me feel so much better. id rather not give his name because people might think he is an ass.... wait... everyone alredy knows that. in that case.. his name is: JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew.... glad i got that off my chest. i cant believe he has the nerve to tell me that... he who has no contact with his friends from San Jose and has lived i petaluma all his life save for a few years in San Jose.... and he tells me that he has more friends..... i didnt know that there was anyone was keeping score!!!!! is this posted on some web site!?!?!? is there a certain point when someone is no longer considered a loser or a loner?!?!? how many fiends does it take?!?!? cuz id sure like to know.... so that it will say "normal guy Thomas Perez" on the web site... cuz aperently it says "loser and loner Thomas Perez" does anyone know the URL?? i wanna see the rules. i wanna see the stats.... i wanna see what it says before James!!!!! geeez.i feel much better now. well.... i am gonna go down into the city... hopefully in a couple of weeks meet up with my ~FRIENDS~ and go to the car show and talk and hang out... and guess what.. JAMES WONT BE THERE! you know why... cuz he'll be at home shooting plastic pellets at the wall with his toy guns :-)

Friday, November 01, 2002

i may not update my blog on the days that i have been... tuesdays and thursdays if u werent keeping track... cuz i think ima drop that damned class. the teacher sucked ass and the program was weird. and on top of that, he is teaching 3DS Max as an animation too... i want to do 3D modeling. o well. o and, HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!! yay!!!!!!! i can buy porn and cigarettes.. legally (but why pay???) hehe just kidding :-) aaaaanyway (refer to title)