well.... im having a fantastic day. first i get up and realize i gotta work on song god damned english assignment in which i have to....ready?...write and essay about a painting done by an expresionist artist (in my case: Diego Rivera) and explain how it is expressionist and so on and so forth.... but wait, theres more! this must be accompanied by: 1. a sketch of the painting (keep in mind: Diego Rivera!!!!) and "notes" about it... joy 2. i have to "become the painting" and write a paragraph in the first person as if i were the painting. Fun. 3. Research thre [painting, painter, time period and background... you know the typical research paper. and finally... 4. write a paper about my research for paper #3... i know, weird. oh, and all of this is to be accompanied by a works cited page with "propper MLA citation." and this is all due thursday. and for math.... (yes, MATH AS WELL) i have the usual weekly assignment... due wednesday. and yet i find myself writing my blog... go figure.
i was just talking to my friend... while i was typing the stuff 'bout my assignment and he has just informed me that i have no life... i am a loser... and i am a loner. well, gee thanks. that made me feel so much better. id rather not give his name because people might think he is an ass.... wait... everyone alredy knows that. in that case.. his name is: JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew.... glad i got that off my chest. i cant believe he has the nerve to tell me that... he who has no contact with his friends from San Jose and has lived i petaluma all his life save for a few years in San Jose.... and he tells me that he has more friends..... i didnt know that there was anyone was keeping score!!!!! is this posted on some web site!?!?!? is there a certain point when someone is no longer considered a loser or a loner?!?!? how many fiends does it take?!?!? cuz id sure like to know.... so that it will say "normal guy Thomas Perez" on the web site... cuz aperently it says "loser and loner Thomas Perez" does anyone know the URL?? i wanna see the rules. i wanna see the stats.... i wanna see what it says before James!!!!! geeez.i feel much better now. well.... i am gonna go down into the city... hopefully in a couple of weeks meet up with my ~FRIENDS~ and go to the car show and talk and hang out... and guess what.. JAMES WONT BE THERE! you know why... cuz he'll be at home shooting plastic pellets at the wall with his toy guns :-)
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