well... today i took my driving test...
but first, before i get to that...
a couple weeks ago i was at a stop light in my car ('88 ford taurus... before they turned butt-ugly) and noticed that the brake pedal was slowly sinking... hmmmm not good. at first i wasnt sure if it was sinking or if it was just my imagination... until i realized my foot was all the way to the carpet (on the pedal). anyway, it did this off and on and i told my dad about it... he said to check the brake fluid. being a ford the brake fluid resevoir is NOT in a very strategic location, plus when i went to look at the fluid last (fiday) night it was dark (night - dark - duh) so i couldnt see if the fluid was at "max" or not. so i assumed it was low given its much decreased stopping ability (u pretty much had to floor the brakes before you came to a normal stop... unless you had about a 1/4 mile to run out the momentum. this was all happening the night before my test (my mom never bothered to tell me about the braks being SOOOOO bad till just then). so aaaanyway we get some brake fluid and i start to fill it up.. its got this valve thing that sorta makes the fluid build up on top before it seeps down into the resvoir... yah, well eventually it stopped seeping.... not good. oh well... at least its got enough fluid :-) i figured that after some driving and braking it would work its way into the system and improve the braking performance... needless to say it didnt. so here i am the eve before my driver's test with a car with the braking ability of a MUNI bus. so i was now pressed with a very tough decision: try driving the near brake-less Taurus while under the very watchfull eye of a driving instructor....or .... borrow my uncles Explo(d)er, he he, which i havent driven since february, for my driving test. eventually i decided to drive the explorer. problem is... the left brake light doesnt always work... and i know that they will check for that. figures, i have all the luck.
so i get to the DMV office and i have my mom tap the brake to see if it worked.. it did. so, yah.. i checked in and parked the truck in the port to rerady myself for the test... she checked the turn signals and everything.... then she had me hit the brakes.. i almost pissed my pants... but aparently itr worked. long story short: i only had 3 (minor) errors in driving (out of 15) and thus i passed. WOOHOO!!!! no more bus bs, no more waiting to get picked up.. no more, no more alot of stuff!!!!! yay!!!!!
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