Stairway to Heaven
update on the accident: Brett Callan, the 16 yr old who was in the back seat and suffered brain injuries died on Saturday morning. he had been in a coma since the accident and had never regained consciousness. criminal charges MAY be brought against the driver, also 16.
man that sucks. as if it weren't bad enough that the driver of the car has to live with seriously injuring his friends, the trauma of being in a serious car accident and the death of one of his best friends.... now he faces criminal charges. i really hope the family of Brett Callan dont pursue those charges as the emotional pain of feeling responsible for your best friends death is punishment enough.
man. how depressing. i really dont know what else to say. excapt drive carefully.
I cannot even imagine being the parents or the kid. I don't know what I'd do. I guess life would go on but it really wouldn't seem like it.
Its funny. The person who caused the accident is never the one killed. I'm sure its some form of kharmic retrubution for their acts. But I am sure that is no comfort to the families of the victims. life sure is funny.
Yes Ken. Hilarious.
perhaps funny wasn't quite the word.....
at least, not the word i would have used.
but thats just me.
weird, unuaual maybe....
how bout not fair?
i supose that will work....
I'm sorry, the answer we were looking for was, "FUCKED UP." No points to our contestant.
sorry there ken, their ruling is final, looks like you wont be coming back for another day.
wow thats really fucked up some of my friends died in a car crsh last year to ken...not funny.
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