Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Life in the Fast Lane

Last friday, as i stood in jamba juice catching up with friends, at 11:20 PM, a 2004 Ford Mustang traveling east on Petaluma Rd. going 80 mph. lost control, hit a ditch, flipped over onto its roof and skid 80 feet before finally coming to rest. the driver, a 16 yr. old star runningback for my old highschool's football team. there were 3 other passengers in the car. all between the ages of 15 and 16. another boy and 2 girls. all 4 survived the crash... so far. the driver suffered colapsed lungs and was released monday. the front passenger suffered a broken shoulder and other bumps and bruises. one rear passenger suffered severe lacerations to the face. she underwent reconstructive surgeory and MAY fully recover. the other rear passenger wasnt as lucky. he suffered a broken vertebrae that doesnt apear to be causing any paralysis, but he also suffered a bruise to the brain which has left him unconscious and clinging for his life. he was also a star athlete.. on the basketball team. this accident has really chaken up the city. my brother knew the guuy in the back. our neighbor knew both the girls. and they have caused a bottleneck at both of the hospitols they were taken to. anyways, where the accident took place, i have driven down maybe 6 times. i must admit, i too would drive a hair over the limit in the area.. as it is often deserted and a nice drive. i dont think i will drive there quite the same from now on.. just cuz. not because i think its cursed.. but just because i will always know what happened there. i just hope they all pull through ok.

on a similar note... the city seems to have moved on, driving wise... i drove a co-worker home and on our way, at 5 consecutive intersections, we saw some of the worst examples of driving. ever. lets start at the top... first, as i made a left turn i was almost hit by an explorer aproaching the intersection FAR TO QUIKLY and over shot the crosswalk by a few feet. which had i been a few seconds behind, would have taken him straight into my rear fender. on the next intersection we came across a riced out Volvo... yeah thats right a Volvo wagon that was lowered, tinted, modded and with black racing wheels and tires. and this particular one aproached the intersection in a cloud of smoke. he then proceeded to speed past me and weave in and out of both lanes. and continues on his antics through the next intersection. after making a left onto another street we then aproached another intersection where the car in front of us almost ran head on into an on coming car that decided they could make a left turn in front of him. luckily he stopped and avoided the collision. my co-worker and i were in utter disbelief. then, as we aproached another intersection, a VW Beetle 2 cars in front of us made a left turn and almost hit 3 pedestrians who were trying to cross the street. it was freakin weird. never have a seen such an utter disregard for the law. i was actually getting scared... there was no telling what brainless driver i would encounter at the next intersection. luckily i through fait a loop by arriving at my co-workers house and pulling out of traffic. at long last. i made it home with out incedent. but boy was that 6 block endeaver weird.


Blogger Alana Jane said...

OMG. which crazy part of the world are you in ?

Actually, come to think of it, I once had such an accident when I was backpacking in New Zealand. It was raining and I was going at 90 km/hr. My car skidded, made a 360 degrees turn and almost fell over a cliff. Miraculously, the front tyre hit a boulder and stopped the car from rolling downhill. And out of nowhere, 3 trunks appeared (we hadn't seen a car for like almost an hour!) and the men helped to drag the car back onto the road. At that point in time, I felt God had given us a second chance in life (not trying to sound spiritual here) but it was really amazing that we all survived without as much as a scratch !

Thu Jul 01, 12:24:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

i live in northern california

Thu Jul 01, 11:26:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

you ever see a movie called American Grafitti? that was filmed here. interesting... cuz that movie was full of bad driving.... go figure.

Thu Jul 01, 11:30:00 AM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

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Thu Jul 01, 12:19:00 PM 2004  
Blogger carinne said...

I LOVE american graffiti. And that's really scary.

Thu Jul 01, 07:06:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Alana Jane said...

Really ? Ok, I'll go rent the dvd.

Thu Jul 01, 10:32:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

some info: George Lucas' first big movie. starring many little known actors and actresses (at the time) such as: Ron Howard (ok, he was well known) Richard Dreyfus, Suzanne Summers and the first apearance of Harrison Ford. its a great flick. especially if you have rescently graduated from high school... *tear* enjoy.

Thu Jul 01, 11:38:00 PM 2004  

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