turn off the window, its getting loud in here!!!!
over heard last night:
my brother to my mom: I cant hear you"
he then proceeds to turn on a light. somehow his twisted little mind decided that the extra light would improve his chances of hearing her....
my mom in response to the blinding light: "TURN OFF THE WINDOW!"
i am now stupider having been here to experience that.
two words:
You're Winner
' stupider '
I HATE it when I do stuff like that. Same with my parents. Bleh.
It's alright. At least you don't put car in your gas.
Must be part Filipino. Common amongst us:
Turn off the faucet.
Close the lights.
if your asking if the brother and mother i was refering to were my biological family.. then yes, unfortunatatly.
i am not, however, flipino.
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