Tuesday, June 15, 2004

mmm... free food

i had this punch card for panda express for a little over a year. getting it punched whenevr i got a "2 item combo" so that i can unlock special free food. today, was redeeming day. i saved up all the free stuff for one complete meal. so today, for lunch, i had a 2 item combo of sweet and sour pork and orange chicken with chowmein and steamed rice, a veggy spring roll and a 220z. Dr. Pepper. and it was all free. w00t!

it was wuite a bit of food and i wasnt particularly hungry... so i only ate about half, planning to eat the rest tomorow. but as luck should have it, my mom decided it was too hot for cooking and made tuna sandwiches for dinner. i HATE tuna. no.. wait. i HATE canned tuna. i'll eat tuna steak, or tuna in sushi, but i cant eat canned tuna. and so there stood what was left of my lunch. so while my family sucked down what is usually a mediocre lunch, i had chinese food.

a not-so-ancient proverb:
in the land of tuna sandwiches, the man with half a 2 item combo from Panda Express is king.


Blogger Thomas said...

perhaps..... but i am a dumbass with orange chicken.

Tue Jun 15, 07:54:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

mmmmm...... MSG.... *drool*

Tue Jun 15, 08:37:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Ken Barrango said...

essentially that meal cost 50 dollars. Considering all you had to buy to gain that meal. Its like working in a coal mine for 12 hours to earn a break you only could have taken 5 hours ago.

Tue Jun 15, 08:45:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Thomas said...

what a buzz kil.

besides. those meals were not had solely for the purpose of reaching this achievement

Tue Jun 15, 09:27:00 PM 2004  

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