overheard at the campsite:
"my dog ate a toothpick, what do I do?"
"give her a termite."
For those few of you curious about my life, and bored and/or stupid enough to read about it; just sit back, relax, lower your expectations, and read on. :-) and for those who still havent caught on.... every post shares its title with a song that is somehow related to the post. click on the title to get the lyrics.
i love how my mom cooked hot dogs for dinner, before checking if we had any hot dog buns. as it turns out, we have one hot dog bun. we could use regular bread.... but we have non of that either. i sugest that i go to the store to get some. she says no because we need other things from the store. she then points out that she was just at the store earlier today. i asked why she hadnt called while she was there to see if we needed anything. she retaliates by asking why we hadnt called. as if we were suposed to somehow recieve some telepathic message telling us that she was now at the store and recieving requests for groceries via phone.
saturday i drove down to my old stomping grounds and visited nate. hung out there for a while a couple more friends trickled in. we played videogames a for a while and then went to see van hesling. after the movie we went back to nate's for pizza and jello. mmm..... jello...... *drool* good jello BTW. even better if ken wasnt making really gross faces with it. the drive home was good times too. there was this bimmer and this audi driving quikly behind me. the BMW moved to my right assuming they had to pass me. imagine their surprise when i kept up all the way through about 90ish. heheheh. i decided it was best to let the bimmer by. then the audi came around. i let them by as well. i then punched it and followed their lead. i satyed with them from san rafeal all the way up to my exit in petaluma, at wich point i had already overtaken the audi. anyone up for a game of tag at 90mph?
Thomas: you know.. im so happy
school's out. w00t! and, i cant believe im saying this, but i'm gonna miss it. dont get me wrong, i am glad im through with the assignments a crap, but i really did enjoy this last semester's classes. my soc class was just generally entertaining. pretty much a breeze. almost no thought required. just show up and write some papers and study before midterm/final... yer good to go. my humanities class, which was about american cultures, was really interesting. we read good books and engaged in deep conversations and we all learned alot about ourselves and eachother. good times. but lotsa papers to write and books to read. in art itwas relatively enjoyable. especially when the teacher wasnt there. cuz then we all just went about our business doing our artwork and engaging in extremly entertaining conversations. really good times. and finally, speech. had it not been for all the speeches, this could have been my favorite class. the teacher was really cool and was funny as hell. and the students were great too. the only times i dreaded going to speech... is when i had to give one. and now. its all over. the thought that i may never see some of those people brings a tear to my eye. its like getting attached to a puppy you know you cant keep. parting is such sweet sorrow.
so not only have i begun the daunting task of finals week... but i have also been thrown quite a curve. i spent the evening after work working on phase 3 of my 4 part art final:the tonal charcoal drawing. i am about 90% done when i ask my mom's opinion. i then go to get my graphite reproduction drawing.... only to not find it. i looked in my sketch pad, in my charcoal pad, and in my portfolio. nothing. now, my final presentation is on thursday. i need 4 pieces by thursday and the most complicated one is MIA. i hope that i left it in the classroom and that it is still there. if not. i am FUBAR.
weird day. my mom was flippin out over the slightest thing.... and then
today is my sisters birthday. and no, nathan, she isn't. so we went out
I was just at a stoplight. a guy in his 60's to my left on a harley. 3
This is a test of the emergency update using email with my sidekick
rescent attempts to update my blog via email from my sidekick have been largely.... unsuccessful. nahan, any luck? anyone else? hello? is this thing on? *click* *microphone squeal* oh... my bad.
ooooo..... pretty, i think. blogger is all more3 different than it was before :D. anyways, camments SHOULD be built in, but i dont see 'em and i tried to port over my old comments.. but that doesnt seem to be working either, we'll see what happens
wow i just signed in to edit my template... and blogger goes ahead and offers me Gmail by google BWAHAHA!!! i pwnz you pwnzpwnzpwnzpwnzpwnz viper84@gmail.com suck on that.
lets see... it was tuesday, at art class.. when my art teacher suddenly developed an attitude. all semester i've been seen as somewhat of a teacher's pet. but on tuesday, afer viewing the artwork that i, admitedly threw together before class in about an hour and a half. but still.. she totally called me out n my lack of drakness... when i drew a bowl of fruit in broad daylight.... so.. there WERE no darks. she then procedes to ask me why id dint finish blckening my background (i just did kind of an aura blackness around the top) i told her that i didnt wanna make such a mess and that it was iritating my alergies. she then sugested a mask or scarf (this in 90 degree weather). i brought the heat to her attention and she scoffed and responded with something involving the word "excuses." i couyldnt believe it.