was in the city for V Day, it happens to be my aunts Birthday, as well as the aforementioned Pyro's, and so we went to a movie and out to dinner at some mexican place in DC. it was nice to just relax and talk to relatives. ususaly when we're down in the city, its jut my imediate family, my aunt from the area and my grandma and granpa. but since it was my aunts B Day, my uncle (and cousins) from up here where i live and my other aunt from SoCal were all in town. it was fun.
today, despite the holiday, i had to work. my family was all off of both school and work but i still had to work. that kinda sucked. so i'm here, by muself, home from work. they all went up to the mall (which i was suposed to do for HW...) o well. sucks for me.
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