Saturday, June 28, 2003

cool.... Blogger has a new interface, anyways, on with the post.

lets start with Thursday, it was my first day that i was responsible for watching my uncles house.. basicly i had to feed the many animals and water plants and thngs.. big fun. best part was that i got to use the pool. and with the 100+ degree weather it was a nice thing to be able to do. On friday i again went for a swim, and handled the usual stuff.. in fact, i should prolly go now to checlk up on things... since i spent all day at a party.. more on that in a minute.... anyways..... ummm..... i dunno, i got nuthin.

so... today i went to a wedding. (read carefully this may get complicated) the daughter of my former neighbor down in Daly City got married for the second time today. (not the second time today... but the second time.... today. get it? good.) anyways, the ceremony was in Marin... no, not Marin City at some church or Hall.... in Marin County on a beach over looking the ocean near the Golden Gate Bridge. the reception was held at her house in Novato. we didnt exactly make it to the ceremony since it reutinely takes my family about an hour just to take their first step out the door.... and then there are several more "steps out the door" that follow, depending on how much stuff was still forgot despite the extended time of preperation. so, to make a long story short we got there like 1/2 hour late. just in time to overlook the site of the ceremony and watch people pack up and hug and shake hands. so we waited around a bit and ended up following the bride and groom home.. though they didnt know it. the reception was ok.. the weather was very hot but the food was good... they had sushi, and i had a bunch.. even the ones everyone DIDNT want (like the orange fish egg ones) and i kinda over did it on the wasabi.. o well, it clears the sinuses. i just got home a few minutes ago, it was a good time and it was nice talkinbg to old friends.. though there was this one kid was a complete brat. he and my dad got into a friendly competition thing of sticking icecubes downb eachothers shirts. it eventually escalated to the point where the kid un;loaded a bottle of water on my dad. he later got in trouble for it and called a "truce." but on our way to the car, the truce went out the window as he chased down my dad and dumped another bottle of water on him. my dad was not happy. if only i had a water hose close at hand.... or a water balloon... or a skylift helicopter equiped with a 4000 gallon water bucket.... o well.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

today was relatively enjoyable... in the morning i finished some work we started yesterday on the troublesome Bronco. you know, the one whose rear-end would make a terrible clunking noise during driving. well one day it just decided to stop starting. i jumpstarted it, but a couple of days later it still didnt work. this was many months ago. a friend and former neighbor from daly city decided to come up and help us figure out whats was wrong. after taking off one of the rear tires to see if the problem lay in the wheel bearings we realized that that was not the case and that the problem did indeed lay in the rear differential. so we popped that thing open to find several gear teeth laying at the bottom of the housing... as well as several broken teth on the gear.. obviously the source of our driving woes. since that was lceared up we cleaned it out, got a new gasket and filled it back up with gear oil. the problem still remains that it won't start without a jumpstart. we figure its the battery and so it just needs a new one.. no big deal.

anyways, after the work on the truck, we barbequed some chicken and burgers and stuff to eat before going to the county fair. i1m not a huge fan of fairs.. but it beats staying home and doing nothing. i got to look at a bunch of cool stuff and the group Tower of Power was performing... so it was pretty cool. (alot better than a couple of years ago when "Dogstar" performed... Keanu Reeves' band.. they suck) nothing really eventful took place at the fair... just alota people and at night.. alota lights... the lights are cool, especially from a distance.. when you squint. my feet hurt.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

well i went to a job fair in Santa Rosa today.. i really hope i get the job. i need this job. i have WAY TOO MUCH spair time and not nearly enough money. keep you finger's crossed. anyways, i found out from traylor a couple of days ago why i havent talked to pyro in so long.. aperently she is in tahoe... nice of her to tell me!!!! i was worried sick!!!! actually i wasnt.. but i was gettin a lil lonely....i just realized that she was the only person to offer inteligent conversation in the wee hours of the night... or even on a re3gular basis that i know of.
In Other News

I was browsing through friendster a couple of days ago...looking to see if any of my long lost friends was on it... and just my luck.. i found one. i found May... you know, back from OHS all those long years ago. (for me anyway) i havent talked top her in like 3 years!!! anywyas, when she decided to be my friend... i assume she recognized me... my personal network of friends grew from about 500 to about 18,000!!!!!!! 18,000 PEOPLE!!!!!! (including God... i dunno) so yeah.. for those of you who don't kow about friendster yet, its a big network where people can meet people... through friends. its like 6 degrees of seperation. (i am connected to God through May... who is connected through one of her friends.. who is a friend of God) its cool. you can only access profiles of people on your network.. so i am somehow conn3ected to all 18000 of those people... all through just 2 friends of mine.... its quite amayzing when you really think about it. anyway, for those of you who want to get in on this thing... drop me a line and i1ll ivite you. its quite addicting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

whoa. 66 spy ware programs on my computer.... ouch. use ad aware, its awsome.

“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.”
~ James Bryant Conant

the first person in my family (at least that i know of) got broadband today.. the worst part is.. it wasnt me!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!! the first thing im goin to do when i get a job is get DSL, then a TiVo like device. then.. i dunno. but i need DSL, i sick of always being the last one to get something!!!!!!! (or at least not the first!!) anyways, Pyro hasbt updayted her LJ in quite a while, and i havent seen her online in DAYS. im goin through withdrawls!!!! moving on... i have way too much free time. OH! i know what i can do. i have to find the instructions to that model i have... somehow i lost them... i dunno. wait... someone online.... just traylor. rats. its always the same damn people. (no offense to those damnm people if ur one of them) this is my life. OH! i have a new art project i'm working on.thinking about. i read about a german artist who named all of his art after beatles songs... so i thought of visuallizing the mood and feel and title of various songs... any ideas? also, Motor Trend has a car design contest.. any ideas for that? no idea is too ridiculous.. trust me. pyros brother sugested a car with an engine at each wheel each independantly steerable.... to make drifting efforltess. im sorta using that idea.. though i dont think ull be able to make a car that drives completely to one side.... anyways, just checkin in. RESPOND PEOPLE!

Monday, June 16, 2003

i dunno how many of you know where china camp is.. but it is on the coast of the north portion of san francisco bay. anyways... my family all met up there to have a big father's day barbeque type thing. except for the utter lack of things to do.. other than stuff our faces with food.. it was a relatively enjoyable experience,,, tho it did get quite boring after a few hours. also, i got a bit sun burned... kinda sucks since was wearing sunglasses i have this raccoon looking sunburn on my face... except in the area around my eyes. after our feeding frenzie (along with just about every other mexican family in the north bay who decided to congregate at the same spot) we left in search of some ice cream, we eventually found some in the nearby town of San Rafeal. there, as luck would have it, there was a huge "italian" street painting fair/festival/project downtown. we decided to check it out. it was awsome, there were many original works, while others were paintings of other famous paintings as well as photos. i recognized some Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Salvador Dahli works, just to name a few. the center piece was a (scale?) reproduction of the sistine chapel ceiling that was done by about 20 different artists over the course of 4 days.. it was really awsome. i only wish i had a camera.... and i wished even more that i was part of such a project. that would be really cool. street murals. they dont seem too hard.... they are done with what seemed to be (oil based?) chalk and their technique (as some were still working) was similar to that of charcoal on paper. one striking memory i have of today's experiences was a lone artist, she was maybe 7-8 yrs old. among a sea of small squares that were done by kids in a seperate area. every other square was either completed or abandoned. there were maybe 200-300 of them, about one entire city block from sidewalk to sidewalk. and there she sat, oblivios to the fact that everyone else was done, intensly concentrated on her work, which i must say was pretty darn good.. so far. i never saw the finished product.i wish i took a picture of her and the ocean of completed works that she sat amongst.

Friday, June 13, 2003

DAMNIT! i just wrote a whole friggin entry.. then i hit the wrong button and lost ecerything!!!! BLAH!!!!! o well, ill just summerise what i remember.

first off, my old highschool had its graduation today... wooptie doo. i live really close by and my street was packed with cars... kind of a drag, but its a special occasion and i didnt have a problem last year when i graduated. congrats to all those whoo graduated, i hope to see some friends next semester in college.

moving on...

i want you people to start talkin back now that i have my cool lil talk back thingy. so after alot of thought i've decided to periodicly post helpful lnks based on what people ask me, so if u have any questions, fire away, but in the meantime here is a really useful utility:

It seeks out spyware on your computer and eliminates it. for those of you who don't know what spyware is, here is a definition: Spyware is a piece of software that attempts to "call home" or communicate with a remote server. Spyware is becoming synonymous mostly with marketing companies that track your surfing habits so they can customize and serve you ads specifically suited to your tastes. Some forms of spyware even use your computer's Internet connection to deliver ads to other users on the Internet. (i found that when using NetZero, the required on screen banner ad would magicly "know" what kinda sites i was looking at and show ads based on those sites.... kinda scary.)

anyways, lemme know what you guys think.

OMG!!!! i finally found a working "comments" tool thingy!!!! you few people who actually care can now respond (now i can find out how many people actually DO care (wait.... maybe i shouldnt use this thing...)

some more words to ponder:

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs,
even though checkered by failure,
than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,
because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

(and who said these great words? anyone? ANYONE?)

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Quote of the day:(dedicated to Pyro)
Travelers have to be optimistic to think that by going onward,
they're going to find something better. Pessimists stay at home.

for more famous and/or inspirational quotes, Think Areté

i dunno if i posted this when it happened or not, but i hurt my back about a week ago...i'm not saying how for fear of making myself looking like a pathetic loser type of person.... anyways, i hurt it again doing yardwork last week.... then again testerday, the pain wnet away the last couple of times, though this time the pain has lingered... to the point in which i had to go to the doctor.. she said that my bad posture is most likely the reason. my bad posture is due mainly to 2 things: 1. is genetics, my family has a bit of a history with back problems including bad posture... damn genes! 2. is my computer desk, for those of you who havent seen it, its like a friggin wardrobe.. it has doors and it has all kinds of shelf-like things that come out all the way to the front.... leaving no room for my legs, also, it has a pull out keyboard shelf... so, with the combination of pullout keyboard and no leg room, it sometimes forces me to hunch over to get a good look at what the hell is on my screen. so.. if anyone has a nice big sturdy computer desk (preferably an L shaped one with planty of desktop space.... im looking to get a new one ;-)

Monday, June 09, 2003

why am i still awake?!?!?

Sunday, June 08, 2003

well.. i ended up seeing Finding Nemo with my cousins and siblings... it was pretty good, you know, the usual Pixar/Disney thing. one thing that i REALLY like about the Pixar/Disney colaborations (other than the mind-boggeling visuals... even their 1989 pre-show short film was pretty impressive...) anyways.. as i was saying, what i really like are the subtle adult humor that they throw in to keep the more sophisticated audience entertained that sails undetected over the radar of the younger crowd. and this movie is no exception. granted i would have rather seen 2Fast 2Furious (not for the plot i assure you.. i just wanna see tthe cars) but at least there is one movie that can actually keep people of all ages entertained, and that is truly impressive.

that said.... i now ponder something: Pyro, how can you, after watching Finding Nemo, go and eat sushi??? the blunt irony should be enough to deter you.... but also the many references in the movie to not eat fish... (not that i dont like sushi... i love it) but you dont go and eat fish after watching a movie in wich you want the fish to live.... something just seems wrong about that. i duno. i got nuthin.

anyways, after the movie we grabbed some birgers at In n Out, went to my cousins house and installed a DVD player and came home.... with my cousin Ben.. hes weird. first thing he does is throw on Monty Python and the Holy Grail... funny movie, but i was hoping to something else, o well. then... he and my bro set my bro's clock radio to wake them up at 2:30 AM...?!?!??!? what the hell for?!?!?! they end up just walking to the family room and resuming slumber on the couch. they then wake up again at 6:00 and drink chocolate milk. i eventually wake up around 9ish and watch the Matrix and listen to the commentary and watch the white rabbit mini documentaries. my cousing proceeds to burst into my room, anounce that i am awake and ask if i would make Bagel Bites... ?!?!?!?!!?!? WTF!?!??! BAGEL BITES?!?!?! AT 9AM!??!?!

he then returns at 10 and asks to have lunch. im thinkling that maybe if he hadent woken up in the middle of the night.... and then again at 6 and had only chocolate milk for breakfast.. he would not be so hungry... idiot. so.... i make him these potatow things just minutes after i myself have some breakfast. when lunchtime finally does roll around, his mom shows up to drop off my sis (and my other cousin Chrissee) and guess what... Ben has a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.. and my brother follows suit. do they bother to ask if anyone ELSE wants to eat? NO! so i ask the others if they would like a sandwhich.. after getting the orders i walk into the kitchen to find Ben scraping the "ash" off of a slightly burnt piece of toast...onto the counter... WTF!?!?! could he not walk 5 feet over to the garbage to do it there?!?!? not only that, but he is planning to make yet another peanut butter and jelly sandwhich!!!!!! OMG!!!! DOES IT EVER END!??!?! so i quikly nab the toast and make my cousin a sandwhich out of it and make myslef one astonished that so much food can be consumed by such a slim little person. eventually his mom showed up and freed me from his wrath. how does she do it?

Saturday, June 07, 2003

well, it looks as if i've got another exciting weekend lined up, yesir! my parents are out in napa either touring a winery and gettin buzed.. or lost in some backroad yelling at eachother... either way, they're not here. which leaves me, stuck at home, wih my brother and sister. WOOHOOO!!!! the excitment is overwhelming.... anyays, luckily my cousin who lives here in town, dropped by and said that his parents were wondering if we wanted to join them in a movie (than you God!!!) so i casually said: OK. we figured that Finding Nemo would be the most apropriate movie to see (since my sister has been wanting to se something and we were gonna take her yesterday.. but never did). so yah, hopefully i will be getting a call sometime in the near future regarding a departure time to the local (heh... local for me means a 20 minute drive to the nearest one!!!!!) cinema. so yah, other than that, im pretty free and probably bored... something to look forward to i guess. (on top of that i havent seen any of my friends online lately.... where the hell is everyone!!!!)

Monday, June 02, 2003

guess what happened today... i bet you could... NOTHIN! thats right another big nothin. i took a nap.
in other news

last weekend we celebrated my mom's b-day. my aunt was up from belmont baby-sitting my cousins who live here in town. on saturday i went with them to the movies to see Bruce Almighty, funny of course, but more serious that i thought it would be. anyways, while i was at the movies my mom was at work doing some "emergency inventory", whatever, my dad and bro went into the city area to a b-day party, on their way back up they picked up my grandma and grandpa who my mom didnt know were gonna come up for her b-day. we were to meet at a local restaurant/bar the owner or which my dad somewhat knows. my mom was thi9nks the place is expensive, so it was hard to convince her that my aunt was just gonna take the kids their and "invited us along" (eventhough my dad had made prior reservations for a group of 14) you should have heard my mom bitching when i told her that eventhough my dad was gonna be joining us for dinner, he wouldnt be picking us up (she of course didnt know he had a van full of people that she didnt knwo would be there, picking us up would ruin the surprise) so.. i drove her over and when she walked in and saw everyone she finally understood my madness. i needed a drink after that... i had a coke :-)