Wednesday, January 29, 2003

well school is going.. ok i guess... but i must say, my math teacher pissed me off yesterday. it all started last tuesday (que flashback music and pan up to the sky/ceiling) after every chapter, my teacher gives a take home test that counts for 1/2 of the total test grade.. as he will suply the other half of the test on the tuesday it is due.. and we are to turn them in both all at once. last tuesday i was to turn in my first take home test... and eventhough i finished it, i must have stuck it into the wrong book cuz when i got to school, i couldnt find it. anyways, after the in class test, when i didnt turn in my take home test my teacher asked me "wait, where is your take home test" astonished at the way he yelled that out to me while the room was silent with test takers who hadnt finished yet, i answered "i must have left it at home" he responded with a head shaking "ok." i felt terrible, should i go back in and ask if i could go home and bring it right back??? but based on hir reaction when i gave my excuse, i figured i would just let it go and except the consequenses. now.... fastforward to this tuesday, the day our SECOND take home test was due and the day we were to take our second in class test. somwhere near the end of class, when people were wrapping up their test and turning them it, one guy turned in only his in class test. sitting in the front row i heard the teacher whisper to him "wheres your other test" "i fogot it" he responded... "brng it in thursday ok? thursday." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!?!??! i would have brought it in the SAME FRIGGIN DAY!!!!!!! and he lets this guy wait till thursday!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! i sat for a secod or two in awe with my mouth open as i couldnt believe what i had heard. i was livid. i turned in my tests.. and left the room. asshole.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

i was right... eventhouh their team lost.... several Raider fans (and even more people who seized the oportunity to be an ass publicly) decided to march downtaown (Oakland) and smash windows, burn cars and loot a paint store and paint the street (?????) idiots. If they really like the raiders they would behave like human beings and accept defeat.. not dismantle their home town... all the more reason why the Raiders may move.idiots.
In Other News

actually... i got nuthin. :-)

Sunday, January 26, 2003

finally.... a weekend worth noting. and no im not gonna talk about the super bowl, cuz frnkly i didnt watch it. i know. i feel fine believe me. in fact, i feel better than if i HAD watched the damn game.(yes its just a game... let it go). instead i drove into the city (thats san francisco) and dropped by the art store to return a paint that i bought but didnt need, and bought a portfolio that i thought i didnt need. after that i swung by Rash's house, spent some time catchin up, then drove over to westlake with Rash to meet Nè and grab a burger to eat. we spent a good amount of time just sittin, eatin and chattin.... life was good. (it was one of those moments that people say feel so good that you could live your entire life in that moment and die happy). after that, we drove back to Rash's house so i could show them all the deleted scenes from LOTR:FOTR. unfortunately Nè had to go home before we could get to the second disc... after all it was super bowl sunday and win or lose... raider fans can get UGLY(er). It doesnt sound like mutch, but after not seeing them for over 2 months.. a visit was due and it was nice to catch up and converse and such.... good times... GOOD TIMES. (o and by the way... the Raiders lost :-P)

Friday, January 17, 2003

time for my monthly check in... sorry, i've been busy.. sorta. i started school again... this time im takin 4 classes... and all but one look promising. fisrt off there is art, this class is pretty serious.. for an art class... altho it doesnt hold a candle to Mr. Crukshank's (of however you spell his name) and his art write-up madness. other than the $100+ list of suplies that i HAVE to get, it looks to be a relatively fun class. the teacher is ok.. i guess she claims she is from out of state.. but she spent alota time in SF, i could tell. Next up is American History, the class its self is hard to judge (as are all my classes at this point.... save for maybe math) since weve done almost no work, we did however see a video (which was kinda disturbing) and of course i read the silabys (or however its spelled). the teacher says shes from the south, but she has no sign of an accent (at least a southern one) but she does remind me of melanie grifith (if youve ever seen a movie called "working girl" you know this is not a compliment) as she has sorta of a breathy whiney like voice that could make it difficult to endure lechtures. (not to mention the fact that i chose a seat next to a window.. wich is nice cuz since im on the second floor ive got a pretty nice view of the parking lot, some fields and sonoma mountain..... and yes the fields are grazing areas for cows... yes i can see cows grazing from both math and history... which i realized is sorta weird... i dunno i got nuthin. as for math, the teacher is pretty hard nosed... except he definetely has some redeaming qualities.. like how he doesnt grade homework... very good. and how he alows notes while taking tests.. also very good. and that he gives 2 tests at a time... one to take home for you to do at your leisure (kinda like hw... but still its 1/2 a test worth 1/2 the grade) and another to do the following class and to count for the rest of the test grade. i supose thats both good and bad... but i think its more good. unfortunately he also has a tendancy to randomly ask for volunteers to go up to the board and supply wrong answers for him to operate on, and while talking he sometimes sounds like hes pissed.. .but really he isnt, itll take a while to get used to (i guess he is very emotional about math). lastly i have a Photoshop class to be taken online. people have asked me how that works.. and to be honest i'd surer like t know to, cuz i dont know what the hell im supposed to do. i hope sumthin comes up. anyways, that covers my school life.
In Other News

with the arival of the new semester i have classes that no longer alow for my mom to drop me off during her lunch break... wich is good cuz now i HAVE to drive myself. on the downside my dad refused to give up the car for the van, thus leaving me to fend for myself with a bronco that has a blown rear differential (containing me within the city limits of my fair town) that i cant really drive cuz its a stick, so i had a one day crash course (sorry for the bad pun) in driving... a stick. i eventually got the jist of it, but ill be damned when i leave a stop sign and the damn truck is in second or third gear... stupid truck! o well, after 4 days of stagering to and from school my skills are improving, but i still suck at it. speaking of driving, i wanna go to the city and visit my peeps.. if anyone knows how to drive from petaluma to sausalito without using a freeway im all ears. any ways, we'll see what happenes in the next couple of days, if anything interesting occurs, ill let you know, if not, ill tell you anyway :-)

Saturday, January 04, 2003

well.. aparently i got nuthin, how apropriate. cuz i literally have nuthin to talk about. except maybe the game tomorow.. which my dad is going to with his buddy. and my uncle is going to with my cousin. and im stuck here, now playing online while my bro watches LOTR and my sis has he goofy friend over. other than that, i got nuthin.

Thursday, January 02, 2003

happy friggin new years

you may notice that i havent checked in in nearly a month... theres good reason for that.
i have watched like 15 movies since school let out for winter break
id name them all... but i dont wanna. most importantly i saw Star Trek Nemesis and The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (both on pening day thank you very much)
star trek was good... sort of a surprise ending... but i kinda figured it out before i saw it... goddamn previews!!!!! LOTR:TT wasnt much of a surprise eother... considering i read the book before i saw it... but the stuff they changed were a surprise... and somewhat disapointing, but u know. anyways... otjher than that i been doing other stuff ... u know the usual holiday stuff. i didnt get anything really groundbreaking for christmas so yah