oh yah.. thye other reason i havent blogged in a while. my keyboard DIED! exibit A; the following is an example of how my old keyboard would interprit "A long tima ago in a galaxie far, far away..." (I will now unplus the keyboarn that im borropwing from a friend and plug in my keyboard, and type the message exacty as if the keyboard were in working order):"A.lo7mngtimn7eagoimn7aga.laxsiefar8,cfaraway" as uyou can see, typing my blog would have been quite a chore.. and actually trying to read it would be even more dificult. so.. be happy that i HAVENT updated. ciao for now.
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
havent blogged in a while... and for good reason. well first off, in case you've been living under a slab of granite for a week and a half.... we're bombing a certain middle eastern country that just happens to have an ocean of oil to kingdom come. so... as sick and tired i was of hearing bush and his minions babble on and on about stuff that CNN said an hour before.... i still found myself glued to the tv on thursday and watched live as the relative chaos of the anti-aircraft fire of Bhagdad was dwarfed by the awsome bombardment that could hardly be described in words (certainly not "shock and awe" which if i hear again, i swear i will... i dunno, do sumthing reslla bad!!!!!). i must say watchin live as a city of 5 million get ever so precicely anihilated was quite a site, and beeing able to see it live was somewhat sureal and exciting (a guilty pleasure of being a testosterone driven violent and blodthirsty male). one can only hope that casualties will be a minimum, and given the acuracy of our missles and the rate of enemy surrenders, they should indeed. also, in other news the acedmy awards was quite a interesting event.... what i saw of it at least. and that would be mainly the awards for best actor and best documentary. (normally that would not be a noteworthy award the day(s) after, but this is the exception, given the extremely politicly driven speech and commentary given by the director of "bowling for Columbine" who himslef is very contraversial. the producers should have seen that one coming, but i think it was good trhat someone made everyone uncomfortable for at least a minute or 2 as they thought about his staements. it may have been an inapropriate moment at an inapropriate forum but this was his big chance to counter the statements of politicians and the president as he probably never has a chance to reach a huge internatiopnal audience live and relatively unedited. the speech given by the winner of the best actor award, Mr. Brody, i think gave a great speech.. it almost seemed as if he decided on whether or not to actually give the speech at the last possible moment. his speech rivals halle berry's in length, but far surpasses it in content... his than-yous were brief and concise, but what came after was inteligent and meaningful.... and he did nt have to mention his lawyer of hairdresser.
Saturday, March 15, 2003
well... i first tried jacking gnomes entire blog... that didnt work because all his posts came with it.... so then i tried just switching to his template and making a few tweaks to make it look substantially different (and better i might add) from his. however, the main objective, to get the godforsaken shoutout feature to work was a huge failure. i must be missing something because i have put that line of script into my blog's head and still... it doest work. are you sure there isnt more to it than that?!?!?!? HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
havent blogged in a while so whatthehell why not now. lets see... whats interesting... went down to Rash's house mainly to pick up a "package" he had for me (a b-day gift that actually really truthfully WAS in the mail) he got a really awsome 1950 ford pickup model to match my '49 (its a year off... but the trucks are almost identical.... ok they are, aside from the side view mirror and lisence plate) so yah... another model to add to the stack of projects to do. ill do it... eventually.... i promise.i ended up stayin the night, we basicly just hung out and looked at music and such, i gave him a CD with almost 6 hours of beatles... in return, he hooked me up with 6 1/2 hours or Pink Floyd. wow, i didnt know it was that much til just now. cool. on saturday, i was kinda hopin to be able to stop in at Jamba Juice and see which one of KGB's smoothy minions was slaving away at the blender. but we didnt have enuff time, o well, perhaps next time.
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
oh yeah, i didn have something relavent to say.... Gnome, i am gonna try to get the friggin shout out thing workin, and the only way i could think of is to copy your code in its entirety and aply it to my blog. if u dont want me to, that will be fine i understand, but its really pissing me the hell off. so... for those of you who actually read this thing, bare with me as i go through some changes in interface, hopefuly soon, you will be able to respond dirctly to my posts.
well.... nuthin really new and exciting to report today.... got all kinds of history to do. interesting, isnt it. on a lighter note, the flashmaster himself, we'll call him Wattsman, is now a steady reader of the blog about the life about me. i wish i had something more to say, but truth is, im really bored and nuthin better to do. i dunno, i got nuthin...
Saturday, March 01, 2003
well, we finally did it, i brought home the truck. its a heap... for now, but its my bloody heap!!! and rash, ive hung around you WAY TOO LONG!!!! you'd be proud to know that there are 5 cars in front of my house. and none less than 13 years old!!!! in fact, one is almost 60!!!! woo hoo!!!! lucky me.
i just watched a big fat greek DVD... hmm i wonder what movie. it was good, i guess. it would have been alot funnier had i seen it before other people, it got a lil over hiped in my opinion. ive seen funnier, but what really sorta ruined it for me was how EVERYONE said how damn funny it was.. sop i had rather hi expectations. o well. thats all for now. and until next time, i wont update.. i promise.